What is more important?

Introduction to Philosophy

What is more important? what you intend to happen or what actually happens?

Mill’s Utilitarianism is based on the notion that actions in themselves have no moral value and that it is only when we see the results (i.e., the “consequences”) that we can say that the action we chose was the right one, meaning that it led to an increase in happiness for the majority of people affected by a particular decision to act. In other words, the Ends (results) justify the Means (the action); and, for a Utilitarian, the intent is always to maximize happiness, but the consequences determine whether the actions and intentions were morally justifiable. For example, if a lie maximizes the happiness of everyone affected by the lie, then the lie was justifiable and the morally right thing to do.

Kant, on the other hand, says that our intentions to make moral choices are more important than the end results. For Kant, the only thing that matters is our intention to do the right thing, simply (and for no other reason) because it is the right thing to do. For example, if we intend to do the right thing by telling the truth but get bad results, we cannot be blamed for the bad results, because we did the right thing—we told the truth; but, if we do the wrong thing and lie and then get bad results, that is entirely our fault, because we chose to do the wrong thing to begin with.

As you do this assignment, keep Kant’s Categorical Imperative in mind, since most of us are pretty aware of how we would not like to be treated by other people. Pick one (1) of the following scenarios, and then answer the questions at the end.

Scenario #1:

You are a soldier in a battle zone. Your commanding officer has told your unit that you are to take a small village and that the orders are to shoot any combatants who might interfere with the mission. He says that the intel from above insists that the majority of the villagers either are or are harboring insurgent leaders. But, by accident (and unknown by your CO) you have a contact in the village who has been sharing confidential information, and your contact has indicated that the soldiers slipped out a week ago and that only women and children remain in the village. You already tried three days ago to explain what you have been learning from the unofficial source, but your CO seems to be more interesting in perfectly following the orders from HIS commander rather than pay much attention to just “one more pair of boots on the ground.”

Scenario #2:

You have a bad gambling addiction, and over the weekend, you thought you had a “sure thing”; so, you bet double or nothing against the $50,000 that you already owed the bookie. You lost (again), and Bruiser (the bookie’s “collector”) is coming in two days with a baseball bat to “remind” you of the importance of paying off your debts. You don’t have even a thousand dollars in the bank, so your only real choice is to contact your rich Uncle Bob, who loved you dearly when you were eight years old (which was also about the time you learned how to play Black Jack). You are hoping that even though Uncle Bob will not be happy, he will still give you the money before Bruiser comes to your house. As you are driving to Uncle Bob’s house, you realize that you have two choices: you can lie about why you need the money (for example, your child will die without an expensive operation not covered by insurance) and promise to pay Uncle Bob back as soon as you can, OR, you can admit your addiction and explain the situation, listen to his lecture about the evils of gambling, and admit that the odds are pretty good that he may never see the money again (but, at least your knee caps will remain intact). In all truth, you are a much better liar than gambler, so Uncle Bob would probably believe whatever lie you told.

For either Scenario #1 OR Scenario #2, answer the following questions in your well-developed and thoughtful essay.

• First, which scenario did you pick?

• Pretend you are good Utilitarian who is more interested in the results than in the intention to do the right thing, what course of action would you take and why? Please be specific with your answers and refer to the principles of the Utilitarian ethical theory as you explain your reasoning.

• Next, using the same scenario, pretend you are good Kantian who is more interested in the intention to do the right thing than in the consequences, what course of action would you take and why? Please be specific with your answers and refer to the principles of Kant’s ethical theory as you explain your reasoning.

• Finally, which of these two theories feels the most “comfortable” for you, when you are thinking about the moral rightness and wrongness of some action. Explain in detail why you prefer one of these ethical theories more than the other one.

Please use standard American grammar and follow APA formatting guidelines. Keep in mind that the essay should be between 600 words and as 900 words. Also, please do not use anything other than your textbook as a source for this paper.

Healthcare Final Paper

Final Paper

 To complete this assignment, read through the scenario below and address the specific questions and issues indicated. Review the Introduction to the Miller Family document for specific information on each member of the family.

Grandmother Ella has been dealing with cancer for years now and has tried alternative remedies and juicing.  She went into remission for some time, but now the cancer has returned and she is in the hospital.  Her husband, of American Indian descent, has his ideas about what needs to be done as Ella comes to the end of her life.  Ella has her preferences, though she is now so weak that she has given up in many ways.  The family members are each experiencing their own fears and are grieving as they face the loss that will occur as Ella’s life comes to a close.  Ella prefers to die at home and has felt stressed by the discord and discomfort of family members since being hospitalized. 

You are the social worker for this case.  You meet this family in the hospital setting as they are considering whether the patient will remain there for her final days or whether hospice and palliative care will be provided for her in her home. 

For this assignment, you will:

  1. Synthesize the current research that is relevant to this scenario.
  2. Discuss the cultural or traditional issues that could arise at this time.  Consider how the integration of alternative and complementary medicine and beliefs, mainstream medical practices, and cultural/traditional rituals and practices might create issues and what they might include.
    • Describe how the family might react to the following possible scenarios:
      • Ella wishes to stick with alternative and complementary practices.
      • Ella is coerced into following mainstream medical advice.
      • Ella’s husband insists that, as father and husband, his family traditions should be adhered to.
    • Examine the biological basis for and describe how the choices for care might affect the other family members with respect to their individual problems, if at all.
      • Son Sam, the alcoholic
      • Daughter Lila, with diabetes
      • Grandson Josh, starting to have drug problems
      • Granddaughter Lucy, bipolar with more entrenched drug problems
      • Daughter-in-law, Sarah’s stress related to her family’s medical issues (nephew with leukemia, brother with HIV, and her father’s perspective that they are all “crazy!”)
  3. Present the micro, mezzo, and macro influences affecting both the patient and the diverse family members in this scenario as impacted by Ella’s medical condition and prognosis.
    • What are the pertinent and likely family (micro) conflicts and differences, and concerns that could be encountered? 
    • How is the neighborhood and extended family (mezzo) reacting to the situation?
    • If she returns home, what considerations need to be taken into account as part of her discharge plan? Using your local area, research and present the needed or preferred community resources (macro) that would be available to them.  Critique the ability of these community resources to adequately meet the needs of this diverse family’s circumstances.
  4. Discuss the relevant medical issues and the advantages and disadvantages of hospital versus home.  When discussing medical issues in this case, use appropriate medical terminology. 
  5. Discuss the psychological and social issues that are present and will possibly be more pronounced at this stressful time.  How has the fact that this illness has been ongoing (chronic) impacted the family?
  6. Analyze the current scenario as pertaining to diversity, as well as to cultural, psychological and social perspectives and influences, taking into account the stories that you have been discussing throughout the course.
  7. Consider the impact of each person’s perspective as it pertains to their lifespan development (i.e., their intellect, cognitive abilities, insight, and judgment) as well as their sociocultural perspectives, preferences, understandings, and positions on the situation.

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

  1. Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    1. Title of paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  6. Must use at least three scholarly sources.
  7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Desktop Administration

Assignment Instructions:

During this Assignment you will complete steps that cover the differences and similarities between Windows 10 and one other of your favorite operating systems. You may use your local machine if you happen to have a desktop operating system other than Windows 10 installed (e.g. Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Mac OS X, Unix, or Linux). The Windows 10 screenshots must be taken from the VM running Windows 10.

Use your favorite search engine to research various desktop operating systems, including Windows 10. Some areas for exploration include, but not limited to, GUI, performance, configuration options, tools (e.g., diagnostics, maintenance, etc.), power management, network and file sharing, security, remote access, etc.

Take screenshots of at least 5 configuration options from your Windows 10 VM. Label each screenshot properly. In your APA formatted paper, answer the questions below.

  1. Discuss three differences and three similarities in the configuration of a Windows 10 and one other of your favorite desktop operating systems. Show at least 5 screenshots of your Windows 10 configurations as they appear in your VM. When making comparisons against operating systems, describe clearly the names of the operating systems in your responses and label appropriately each screenshot where applicable.
  2. Create and join a Homegroup, in your VM (guest), follow the steps in Chapter 18, “Setting up a Homegroup,” by typing in the search box, homegr and following the wizard. Select the folders that you want to be sharing and take a screenshot of the Change Homegroup Sharing Settings. Click the Next button and make sure to record and save the password that MS Windows assigns and take a screen shot. In your local machine (host), follow the indications (step 5) to allow another computer joining the Homegroup that you just created. Take a screenshot of the host computer created with a Homegroup. How is Windows Homegroup different from another desktop operating system? Is a similar application available? If so, please explain.
  3. Set up automatic hibernation. Go to the Start Screen. Using the Search icon, find Edit Power Plan. Take a screen shot. Change the sleep time for the computer to 5 minutes. Take a screen shot. Change the advanced power settings to On Battery – Paused. Take a screen shot. Describe how this tool or process is different from a different desktop operating system.

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment:

Compose your Assignment in a Microsoft Word document. Place the document and any screenshots into a MS Word document and save it as IT261_YourName_Unit_6 and submit it to the Dropbox for Unit 6.

Sexism, Society, and Science

Assignment 1: Sexism, Society, and Science

Write a two-page paper (five-paragraph) essay discussing two of the following readings:

Margaret Edson, Wit

David Noble “Women in a World Without Women,” from A World Without Women

Deborah Warner, “Science Education for Women in Antebellum America,” History of Women in Sciences

Margaret Rossiter, Women Scientists in America, chapter 4: “A Manly Profession,” 73-99, notes

Sena Jeter Naslund, excerpt on Maria Mitchell from Ahab’s Wife

Nina Baym, American Women of Letters and the Nineteenth-Century Sciences, chapter 7: “Testing Scientific Limits: Emma Willard and Maria Mitchell”

Your paper should cite at least two readings from the above list within an argument based on the evidence from the texts. Build an argument within the paper considering aspects of barriers and facilitators women have faced in Western Europe and the U.S. in the early modern and modern periods and coming to a conclusion about today’s situation for women in science.

Focus on a particular question of your own construction that deals with the “how,” “why,” and “in what way” women’s participation in science was supported or challenged by individuals. Consider sociocultural and religious values associated with women’s roles in society that supporters and challengers used in defense of their arguments. Be careful to identify the authors, texts, historical periods, scientific fields, individuals, and other aspects of the cases that you develop.

Examples of questions you might choose to write about include:

In what ways did women’s educational opportunities enable or constrain their participation in science?

What groups/individuals favored women’s science education and why did they favor it?

What groups/individuals opposed women’s science education/participation and why were they opposed?

How did women overcome resistance to persist and to promote their interests in science? What strategies did they employ? Were they effective? Why or why not?

Selecting and refining a question that you can respond to will help you develop a thesis statement.

Your short analysis should

  1. briefly summarize significant points from the arguments illustrated in the readings you select
  2. hypothesize the cultural ideas concerning masculinity or femininity that are encoded in the social values affecting women’s participation and/or performance in science
  3. provide evidence from the readings for your hypothesis

The best analyses will reflect argumentative points or allude to evidence contained within the readings; indicate citations by incorporating parenthetical references, for example: (Baym, 246) into your assignment. Remember that the quality of citation counts more than sheer quantity of references.

If you have questions or would like to discuss developing the assignment, please bring these matters up in class or on the listserv. You may also make an appointment to see me in my office; please email or speak to me outside of class concerning appointments.


The essay should be typed using double spacing. Number each page. Use one-inch justified margins on the top, bottom, and left side and a ragged one-inch right margin. Staple pages in the upper left corner; please do not use any covers. Put the following on the top of the first page or the title page: the title of the essay, your names, the title of the course, my name, the semester in which you are taking the course, and the due date of the assignment. Put all references to class texts parenthetically within the text of the paper (see above); if you consult other materials, please indicate those with a short parenthetical reference and a works cited page

How do you properly draft a Medicaid Trust for the State of New Jersey?

Arturo and Alyssa Abernacky come to your office in Trenton, New Jersey, for estate planning. The facts relevant to their family are as follows:
– Arturo is 67 years old and Alyssa is 66.
– The couple have two children: Brenda and Bob. Both children are in their 30s and have spouses and children of their own.
– Bobby’s second child, Kayla, is 7 years old and suffers from severe mental disorders that prevent her from interacting appropriately with children her age. She is currently attending a private school for disabled children and is being treated for her disorders. It is hoped that she will recover and be able to live a normal adult life, but there is no guarantee of this. Government assistance, including the Medicaid Waiver Program, greatly helps pay for Kayla’s care. Whatever happens, they want to make sure that Kayla does not lose her eligibility for government assistance at any time in the future.
– Arturo and Alyssa trust both Brenda and Bob. They want them to serve as trustees of any trust that you will draft for them. However, they also think that a third person should also be a trustee to make sure that there is a third person to mediate any potential dispute between the children. Both clients think that Alyssa’s brother, Aaron Abernacky, would be suited to this task. Since Aaron is 68 years old and so may not be able to assist forever, they also want Arturo’s niece, Shana Lane, as the backup co-trustee.
– The primary purpose of their visit is to ensure that they become eligible for Medicaid assistance as soon as possible. The clients realize that, while they are now comparatively young, they may reach a time that they will need long term care Medicaid assistance and they do not want their assets to be depleted paying for such care. They want their assets preserved for their children and grandchildren.
Arturo and Alyssa own the following assets:
– A single family residence in Camden, New Jersey. They purchased the residence in 1983 for $165,000. It now has an estimated fair market value of $700,000. They have no immediate plans to sell the house, but in the long term they are considering selling and moving to a warmer climate.
– Brokerage accounts that include a portfolio of stocks, bonds, and cash worth approximately $400,000.
– Individual retirement accounts (one owned by each spouse), each worth about $125,000.
– A small checking account that they use for day-to-day expenses.
Of these, they want to transfer the first two to the trust. They do not want to withdraw (and thus be taxed on) their retirement account assets and so they cannot be placed into the trust.
Although the primary purpose of the trust should be for Medicaid planning purposes, it is also worthwhile to draft the trust in a manner that limits or eliminates the imposition of the New Jersey state estate tax (which is assessed on taxable estates above $675,000). You should also take into account capital gains tax implications in the event that the house and/or stocks are sold during the clients’ lifetimes or after their deaths.
Please draft a trust for the Abernacky couple. Please try to keep all relevant Medicaid and benefits eligibility requirements in mind, along with all relevant tax consequences of the trust. You may use one of the trust templates in the appendix of Trust Drafting for Paralegals, but you must alter it to fit the facts and strategies relevant to our case. You may omit boilerplate provisions that have no direct impact on the issues discussed above from your draft.

SOC 331

Homelessness in America is a persistent, complex, and widely-occurring
problem that incorporates many economic, social, and psychological
dimensions. After years of war and economic decline, the ranks of the
homelessness have grown to include families with children (35%),
military veterans (23%), children (25%), persons fleeing domestic
violence (30%), and the mentally ill (20-25%) (National Student
Campaign, 2012). Additionally, the number of homeless young adults, aged
18 to 24, is growing, giving homelessness a new face (Saulny, 2012).

With regard to the problem of homelessness, some people perceive a
call for greater human compassion, while others demand more effective
social policy and more comprehensive public health services. Still
others insist on greater individual responsibility and more respect for
the needs of business, reinforced by aggressive criminal justice

Your paper will examine a broad range of private and public responses
(e.g., laws, policies, programs, and individual behaviors) to the
problem of homelessness in America.

  1. You will examine five to seven such responses in depth from the
    perspectives of virtue ethics and distributive, commutative, and
    retributive justice.
  2. You will summarize the responses and identify the consequences of each response for the problem of homelessness.
  3. You will evaluate competing and conflicting views about the
    appropriateness of private and public responses to the problem of
    homelessness and present a balanced conclusion about the justness of
    each response.
  4. Finally, you will draw an overall conclusion about whether, 30
    years from now, the next generation of Americans will view today’s
    responses to homelessness as just.

Start your research by reviewing the PDF document, Recommended Resources for the Final Paper.
Use these resources to gain familiarity with various aspects of the
homelessness problem and a range of responses to it. Some of the
websites list other research based resources that contain in-depth
information that can also be utilized in your paper. Also, use the
Ashford University Library to find scholarly articles that are relevant
to the specific responses to homelessness that are the focus of your

The paper must be eight to ten pages in length (excluding the title
and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. You must use
at least five scholarly resources (at least two of which can be found in
the Ashford University Library) other than the textbook to support your
claims. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the
reference page. For information regarding APA, including samples and
tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning
Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.

Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:

  1. Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and
    formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    1. Title of paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  3. Must start with a short introductory paragraph which includes a
    clear thesis statement (your answer to the question: Will the next
    generation of Americans view as just, today’s response to
    homelessness?). The thesis statement itself is just that – a statement
    of what your essay demonstrates. The thesis is not a question, and it is
    not a summary of the topics discussed. You should avoid using the first
    person voice, avoid sentences like “This paper will show that…” and
    avoid asking questions with your thesis. Rather, your thesis should make
    declarative statements.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a short paragraph which includes a conclusion. The conclusion and thesis must be consistent.
    1. Your paper must logically develop the thesis in a way that
      leads to the conclusion, and that development must be supported by
      facts, fully explained concepts or assertions, and persuasive reasoning.
  6. Must use at least five scholarly resources, including a minimum of two from the Ashford University Library.
  7. Must be in your own words. While brief quotes from sources may
    be used, altogether the total amount of quoted text must be less than
    five percent of the body of your paper.

    1. When you use someone else’s words, they must be enclosed in
      quotation marks followed by an APA in-text short citation (author, year,
      page number) to your source. The in-text citation must correspond to a
      full APA citation for the source on the reference page at the end of the
  8. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  9. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Essay for the University

Answer the question below and each answer should be ( one page in length –  double-spaced).

1- Describe the activities and experiences that demonstrate your commitment to personal learning and development.

2- Explain your learning objectives for the DM program. ( Doctor of management ).

3- Beyond your own learning, to what values, actions, and/or visions are you committed?

4- Discuss what you see as the most significant qualities or characteristics that you would bring to the DM Program. In other words, what would be your value-added to the Program?

5- Briefly describe an organizational or societal issue or problem that concerns you, and indicate the intellectual contribution you would like to make to it.

6- Indicate how you would ideally envision the remainder of your career, and what role the DM Program might play in that development.

7- Describe in concrete terms how you plan to restructure your time and existing responsibilities, both personal and professional, so that you will be able to attend to all residency sessions of the DM Program and devote at least 30 hours per week to your studies.


You probably have noticed in your educational career that some people are very good at remembering facts and therefore, do well at tests that require memorization. Other students, on the other hand, struggle with tests that require memorization.  To understand how memory works, this exercise will ask you to trace the memory system from the stimuli to long-term memory. 

Use your textbook and research from the Internet to learn the process of memory, from beginning to end. Your description should include the following:

Identification and description of each step in the human memory model; as you describe these steps, use an example to illustrate the process

Discussion of factors that enhance or impede information flow in each step of the process

Explanation of proactive and retroactive interference and how you might counteract their effects while studying to facilitate maximum retention via long-term memory

Explanation of other kinds of forgetting and a discussion of strategies that can improve memory consolidation and retrieval

Submit this in a paper of 2–3 pages. You can use illustrations to demonstrate the process.    Be sure to document your references using APA format.

Explain the theory of organizational support theory in relation to HR practices, employee engagement

Explain the theory of organizational support theory in relation to HR practices, employee engagement and retention.

Each individual should produce and submit an assignment report. The report should adhere to the following guidelines:

Assessment Criteria for Assignment Report

Marks Allocation



  • Provide definition of the topic



Literature Review

  • At least refer to FIVE (5) relevant research journal articles. (above year 2010-2016 journals)

*The journals before 2010 are acceptable ( it is not included in the 5 journals)

  • Discuss the various research findings. [In-depth description of the subject matter and ability to relate concepts and theories in relation to issue.]



Quality of the written assignment and conclusion

  • Format, layout, idea flow, language and proper citations and APA format references*.


Total Marks


*A complete reference should contain the following information:

  • The name(s) of the author(s), the date of publication, the title, the name of the journal or magazine, the volume number, issue number (if any) and page number

For the sources from Internet, the reference should contain the website address and the date of access, in addition to the information stated above.

The report should be between 500-1000 words long, with 1.5 spacing using Times New Roman font size 12 with 1” margin all around.

Monocultural Psychology

According to statistics, by the year 2050, 50% of the U.S. population is expected to consist of ethnic minorities. As the United States continues to move toward an increasingly pluralistic society, cultural nuances and differentiation must be acknowledged in the application and practice of forensic psychology. In Chapter 10 of the Bartol & Bartol (2019) text, the issues pertaining to multiculturalism are discussed.

As you examine the many issues pertinent to a pluralistic society, answer the following questions in your post:

  • Why would an approach based on monocultural psychology be considered limiting when attempting to deal with a more diverse population?
  • What obstacles could be in existence that could potentially prevent or discourage an immigrant from seeking assistance from social services or mental health facilities?
  • Of the current ethnic groups existing within the U.S., which population has been identified as being the most diverse and challenging for those within the mental health community?