I need help with my american government assignment

Part 2 – Essay on the Meaning of Liberty

As we read in our lectures this week, philosopher John Locke asked: “If a man in the state of nature is free, if he is absolute lord of his own person and possessions, why will he give up his freedom? Why will he put himself under the control of any person or institution?”

John Locke’s answer was: “that the rights in the state of nature are constantly exposed to the attacks of others. Since every man is equal and since most men do not concern themselves with equity and justice, the enjoyment of rights in the state of nature is unsafe and insecure. Hence each man joins in society with others to preserve life, liberty, and property.”

In at least 500 words answer the following questions:

In your own words, what is freedom? (*Note: dictionary definitions of the word freedom will not be accepted)

In your own words, what is liberty? (*Note: dictionary definitions of the words liberty will not be accepted)

Does your definition of freedom agree with Locke’s definition of freedom? Why or why not?

Does your definition of liberty agree with Locke’s understanding of liberty? Why or why not?

John Locke argues that freedom and liberty are very different things. Do you agree or not? Why or why not?

Finally, how did these ideas of liberty and freedom connect to the creation of the Constitution?

2 DQs and Future Ethical Considerations, business and finance homework

1. Future Ethical Considerations

As you read in Chapter 10, global risks will continue to occur. Look at one of the risk areas (e.g., economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal, and technological) and consider a topic of future ethical consideration. Define and describe the ethical issue.  Using terms from the chapter, describe what considerations should be in place.

CHAPTER 10 from the text is attached below!!!!

2. Medical Tourism – a Current and Future Ethical Concern

Medical tourism is taking place today and may expand in the future. Using terms from the chapter, describe the ethical considerations of seeking medical treatment outside of the United States.

Use the textbook and at least two scholarly sources in your response.

#1 Songs May 28, 1978 to Present, How music has changed

Paper No.1: The Number One Songs in America on your date of birth and subsequent birthdays….

My Birthday is May 28th, 1978

  1. Research and create a list of the Number One songs in America on each of these dates:

The Day you were born, your first birthday, your second birthday, your third birthday, and so on up until your present age OR to age 21 if you are beyond age 18. Your list should have approximately 18 to 21 songs.

  1. Provide the name of the song and the recording artist.
  2. Research the artists and the songs so that you can answer these questions:
    1. How are these songs similar to each other?
    2. How are these songs different from each other?
  3. Provide your list of songs and then write your original essay that answers questions 3a and 3b.

The project, then, is to compare and contrast the songs in your list.

Your list should look like this:


1956 – Hound Dog/Don’t Be Cruel – Elvis Presley

1957 – That’ll Be the Day – The Crickets (Buddy Holly &)

1958 – Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu (Volare)- Domenico Modugno

1959 – Sleep Walk – Santo and Johnny

1960 – My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own- Connie Francis

1961 – Take Good Care of My Baby – Bobby Vee

1962 – Sherry – The Four Seasons

1963 – Blue Velvet – Bobby Vinton

1964 – Oh, Pretty Woman – Roy Orbison

1965 – Eve of Destruction – Barry McGuire

1966 – Cherish – The Association

1967 – The Letter – The Boxtops

1968 – Harper Valley PTA – Jeannie C. Riley

1969 – Sugar, Sugar – The Archies

1970 – Ain’t No Mountain High Enough- Diana Ross

1971 – Go Away Little Girl – Donnie Osmond

1972 – Baby, Don’t Get Hooked on Me- Mac Davis

1973 – Let’s Get it On – Marvin Gaye

1974 – Can’t Get Enough of Your Love- Barry White

1975 – I’m Sorry/Calypso – John Denver

1976 – Play That Funky Music – Wild Cherry

I like to use the lists found at this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Billboard_number-one_singles

At that page you’ll see a list of years. Click on the year of your date of birth (DOB). Scroll down the list and find THE WEEK that includes your birthdate. The dates in the list are the end-of-the-week (Saturdays). So if your birthdate is September 21, find the Week that includes that date. If you ‘miss’ by a week either previous or after that date that is immaterial to the creating of your list……Collect the data and put it in the form you see above: year, song title and artist. Repeat this process for the other songs so that you create a list like you see above.

You may use whatever sources you like to find the data to create your list of songs.

Once you have your list, examine it, LISTEN TO THE SONGS, research the songs (since you don’t really know much about each song except for the year, title and artist) and answer those two questions at 3a and 3b in essay form. What to include? Focus on musical style. Song #1 above is Rock and Roll. So is Song #2. Song 3 is what style? Song 4 is an instrumental number one. And so on. From that information you’ll be able to better determine how the songs are similar and dissimilar. Write your original essay about what you find.

Your essay must be at least 1000 words not including your list of songs.

Please DO Not compare Song #1 to Song #2, then Song #2 to Song #3. That’s not the task. The task is to examine your list and find similarities between the songs and dissimilarities.

Reinventing Your Life

fter taking the initial self-diagnostic survey, p.14-17 and scoring yourself with these 2-items/life trap, pick the two strongest life trap (LT) scores you have( See the attached results), and read the relevant book chapters pertaining to these life traps (LTs). Please recognize that many of the cases presented in this book are extreme, since these are based on client cases. The general point is that each of us has life traps to some degree, which is important to acknowledge. IF we do not recognize and deal with these LTs they may become worse over time and harder to change. Most of the cases discussed are non-work related, but don’t most of us bring “non-work” issues to work and vice-a-versa? I would emphasize higher scores more now (versus as a child, up to 12). Confirm there’s a good fit for a LT by answering the 10-item measure at the beginning of the LT chapter. If not a good fit, look at your other initial LT scores (p.14-17). I want to get into small groups to share a common LT. If there’s 1 of the 2 LTs you do not want to share please let me know in your RP below (#6), but I need to put each person in a LT group.

( I attached a copy of the book)

Answer in your RP:

  1. What are your 2 strongest adult LTs now?; was there much change in your child to adult scores?
  2. What role did your primary caregivers and/or peers play in these LTs?
  3. How do these LTs affect you now, around work/school and non-work?
  4. What can you change to be a more effective leader/manager?; please be specific (to help you commit to change)!
  5. Would you change any items to measure a LT?
  6. Use this book again, why/why not?One (of 2) LTs to NOT share in a small common group?

This Document is used in conjunction with Assessment 1 [Paper presentation & participation] and Assessment 2 [Research Report] in the Teaching and Assessment Plan document [MITS5502_Teaching and Assessment Plan.doc]

In assignment 1 you were required to do a 10-13 minutes presentation on a recent academic
paper on on Software Quality, Software Change Management or Software Testing.
Assignment 2 requires writing a report or critique on the paper that you chose in Assignment 1
to Presentation and Participation component above.
Your report should be limited to approx. 1500 words (not including references). Use 1.5 spacing
with a 12-point Times New Roman font. Though your paper will largely be based on the chosen
article, you should use other sources to support your discussion or the chosen papers premises.
Citation of sources is mandatory and must be in the IEEE style.
Your report or critique must include:
Title Page: The title of the assessment, the name of the paper you are reporting on and its authors,
and your name and student ID.
Introduction: Identification of the paper you are critiquing/ reviewing, a statement of the purpose
for your report and a brief outline of how you will discuss the selected article (one or two
Body of Report: Describe the intention and content of the article. If it is a research report, discuss
the research method (survey, case study, observation, experiment, or other method) and
findings. Comment on problems or issues highlighted by the authors. Report on results discussed
Copyright © 2015-2019 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 3
MITS5501 Assignment 2
and discuss the conclusions of the article and how they are relevant to the topics of this Unit of
Conclusion: A summary of the points you have made in the body of the paper. The conclusion
should not introduce any ‘new’ material that was not discussed in the body of the paper. (One or
two paragraphs)
References: A list of sources used in your text. They should be listed alphabetically by (first)
author’s family name. Follow the IEEE style.
The footer must include your name, student ID, and page number.

PHIL-1301-Introduction to Philosophy – TERM PAPER


See the syllabus for my policy on plagiarism. You do not get another chance if you cheat. You get a zero and I enter your name into our institutional tracking system. Period.

Select just one topic.

1. Present one of the following two interactions: Kant and Anselm, or
Descartes and Hobbes. This requires you to present both the argument
from Anselm or Descartes and the criticism from Kant or Hobbes.

Evaluate the interaction. Is the critic’s objection a good
philosophical objection? (You should have a rough idea what that means
by now. If you do not, you’re in trouble.)

Given your evaluation, should Anselm/Descartes have believed in God’s
existence? Justify your answer. What does your answer mean for the
rest of us? May anyone be justified in believing in God’s existence?

This is a 4 to 5 page paper, though you may certainly write more than
that. Cite the text to support your claims. Write the paper is if it
were a college paper. See the rubric for guidance.

2. Suppose someone argues for skepticism like this: People have
different beliefs. People disagree about how old the world is; whether
there is life on other planets; and even whether Bigfoot exists. So
there’s really no truth about how old the world is; whether there’s
life on other planets; or even whether Bigfoot exists.

Use the relevant course readings to evaluate the force of this
argument. (You should be able to determine which are relevant.) Is
this argument for skepticism a good one? What does your judgment with
respect to that last question mean for belief in skepticism based on
arguments like the one I just presented? Should we form beliefs based
on arguments like this?

This is a 4 to 5 page paper, though you may certainly write more than
that. Cite the text to support your claims. Write the paper is if it
were a college paper. See the rubric for guidance.

3.Suppose someone tries to show that we should believe God exists like this: Any proposition is either true or false. Thus, there is a 50% chance that any proposition is true. Since “God exists” is a proposition, there is at least a 50% chance that God exists. If there’s a 50% chance that God exists, it makes sense to believe that he does. Thus, we should believe that God exists.

Put this argument in your paper. Then, explain whether it lives up to the standards of philosophy. If you say it does, explain why. If you say it does not, explain why.

This is a 4 to 5 page paper, though you may certainly write more than
that. Cite the text to support your claims. Write the paper is if it
were a college paper. See the rubric for guidance


Grading Rubric

1. Does this paper identify have a clear thesis? (5%)
2. Does this paper contain only relevant information? Are the citations completed properly? (5%)

3. Does the paper attribute the correct view to the philosophers in question? (10%)

4. Is/are the philosopher’s view presented with the appropriate level of detail?
(For example, does the author explain concepts and arguments in a tight manner, or are the arguments and concepts merely sketched?)

5. Does the author present a clear argument in his/her discussion? (15%)

6. Does the paper cohere? Or, is the paper a hodgepodge of disparate ideas? (10%)

7. Does the conclusion tie together the different phases of the paper? Or, is the conclusion a
non-sequitur? (5%)

8. Are the spelling, grammar and syntax on the college level? (5%)

9. Does the author make appropriate and accurate use of course concepts in constructing his or her discussion? (20%) Intangibles: Is the paper on the assigned topic? Is it the author’s own work?


You can choose any topic that you want to do. Just please do not plagiarism.

Topic 4 DQ 2.2

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references:

My view on suicide is that it is a sin and at the same time not a sin. I think what makes it a sin or not is the reason why one commits suicide. Some people suffer from depression and end up committing suicide. This to me is not a sin as they have no control over their decision. To them, they feel that their problems can only be solved by ending their lives. This is mostly evident on people who kill themselves and leave a suicide note behind. Others commit suicide as a reaction to anger or disappointment; they have full awareness of their actions. These ones commit sin against God as they have decided to take their own life, which is a privilege that only belongs to God. God is the giver of life and only He can take it away (Paterson, 2017).

Euthanasia on the other hand is simply murder as death has been caused by a person. Family members to a patient or even healthcare providers might sometimes feel that no treatment will be able to ease a patient’s suffering. Instead of medically killing the patient, life support machines should be withdrawn and the patient left to die on his own. If a situation looks hopeless where death in inevitable, the caregivers should not abandon the patient to die. They should offer comfort care by easing the patient’s pain and making him comfortable (Cohen, 2015).

Some people consider the sin of suicide as unforgivable as the victim has no time to repent. This is not the case as others die abruptly without also repenting their previous sins. The death of Jesus Christ on the cross however cleanses all sins and therefore we are forgiven our sins (De, 2004).


Cohen, C. B. (2015). Christian Perspectives on Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. Physician Assisted Suicide, 334-346. doi:10.4324/9781315811369-27

De Villiers, E. (2004). Euthanasia and assisted suicide: a Christian ethical perspective. Acta Theologica, 22(2). doi:10.4314/actat.v22i2.5468

Paterson, C. (2017). Justifications for Suicide, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia. Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, 15-40. doi:10.4324/9781315096766-2

Portfolio: Competency 8

Getting Started

professional-looking binderPortfolios are repositories of work that represent your skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience. Different fields suggest creating different types of portfolios. For example, when artists create a portfolio of their artwork, it is often held in a finely crafted, large binder that they can bring to interviews or to show to galleries and the like.

Social workers can also create portfolios of their experiences. Social work portfolios can contain such items as professional references or letters, client reports or letters, examples of work (such as grant proposals), faculty and/or supervisor commentary or letters, and so on.

An electronic portfolio, or e-portfolio, works almost exactly the same. The difference is that it is submitted and hosted entirely online. The capstone assessment of your Social Work Field Placement and Seminar course is an e-portfolio demonstrating your work and accomplishments. Detailed instructions will be provided as to the types of work and the items that you should include. Although you will be submitting these materials electronically for your program requirements, you may also want to make copies of the originals to keep in a professional-looking binder to take with you to interviews after you graduate.

This assignment is designed to facilitate your continued development in character, leadership, and scholarship in your social work clinical practice.

  • Character is the product of constant action, striving daily to make the right choices. Through your work in this course, you are demonstrating such qualities as responsibility, fairness, and caring, and proving by example that you value character.
  • Scholarship means a commitment to learning. Applying diligence and effort towards learning about evidence-based interventions as a social worker can positively impact your practice as a professional.
  • Leadership at an agency means having a positive influence on your colleagues and the community. In taking the initiative to learn about evidence-based, effective practices, you can encourage others to attain the same objective, thus positively affecting your clients and your work towards recovery and justice.


  • File: Field Practicum Portfolio Checklist.pdf
  • File: Competency 8 Template Rationale Statement.docx
  • File: Sample Rationale Statements

Background Information

Your portfolio is a culmination of many examples of work and items that you collect during your practicum experience. The portfolio instructions will provide you with examples of the various materials that can go into your portfolio.

The e-portfolio is your opportunity to demonstrate mastery in each of the nine CSWE social work competency areas. As such, you should carefully curate your portfolio to include items that show a direct correlation to each competency area. You will have the opportunity to select pieces that really demonstrate your accomplishments in each of the competencies.

Each week during this course, you will be submitting two pieces of evidence and rationale statements for each competency. By the end of this course, you will have submitted your entire e-portfolio. In this assignment, you will focus on demonstrating your mastery of Competency 8: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Identify two pieces of evidence for Competency 8: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior.
  3. From the Generalist Tools, download and review the “Field Practicum Portfolio Checklist.pdf” file and the rationale template for Competency 8.
    1. Use this checklist to collect two appropriate items that demonstrate achievement in Competency 8 for submission to your portfolio.
    2. Use the Competency 8 Rationale Statement Template to complete your rationale statement for each piece of evidence.
  4. Write rationale statements for your two pieces of evidence.
    1. Complete a Competency 8 Template Rationale Statement.docx for each piece of evidence. Your justifications and reflections on the decision to include each piece of evidence need to be thorough and complete, and display sound critical thinking and judgment. Each narrative rationale statement must include how the piece of evidence:
      1. Clearly aligns to the identified competency
      2. Best illustrates your performance or growth toward achieving mastery of the specific competency
      3. Incorporates theory and essential social work knowledge, values, and skills for advanced integrated practice
      4. Illustrates the depth and significance of your growth in character, scholarship, and leadership
  5. Before finalizing your work, ensure that you:
    1. Follow the assignment instructions carefully.
    2. Follow all conventions of academic writing, including correct grammar and spelling, and APA formatting, where appropriate.
  6. When you have completed your assignment, save a copy of the following for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor by the end of the workshop:
    1. Two pieces of evidence that demonstrate achievement in Competency 8
    2. Two completed Competency 8 Template Rationale Statement.docx files (one for each piece of evidence)

To Kill a Mockingbird, essay help (2 pages)

First Essay- After reading chapters 24–26 of Hübener vs. Hitler, write a two-page essay in which you compare Atticus Finch to Helmuth Hübener. You can approach this comparison in any way you see the connection. You are required to include a minimum of four citations; one citation must come from the novel To Kill a Mockingbird.

Second Essay- This will be a one page essay which analyzes the differences and similarities between the novel and the movie. 

As you watch the movie:

  • Have a notepad and a pen/pencil.
  • Whenever something happens that is different from the book make a note of it.

After you watch the movie:

  • Review your notes of differences
  • Pick a few of the differences and think about why they changed what they did
  • Write a one-page compare and contrast essay about the novel and movie, find a unifying element that will keep your paper from becoming a rambling commentary.

Help in writing weekly synopsis

Share a 800-word minimum synopsis of the strategic marketing concepts discussed in the three articles attached not including introduction and conclusion. This paper should be completed using APA formatting.

Use subject headers for organization – Introduction, Conclusion and obviously specific headers to support content provided. Do not use any other references other than the attached articles

our subject headers should be (based of course on articles attached, refer to the example below)

Introduction (minimum 50-words)

Article # 1 – A good better best

Article # 2 – A survey of 1700 companies

Article # 3 – Automated pricing

Conclusion (minimum 50-words)

Your reference list and your citations must match exactly – in other words, do not list your reference as Forbes magazine and then put the author in the citation credit (McFaul, 2011) – put the author’s name first in the reference list too! Match – match – match! Otherwise, I might not be able to validate your reference / citation and you would lose getting credit for that source