I need a response to these 2 question

I need a response to these 2 question . Each one should be about 50 words or more. Nothing fancy.
1. I travel as frequently as possible and have made my way to 16 countries so far. My goal is to be able experience as many different cultures and foods as possible. My husband and I currently live in the UK with our two cats. We love going out to nightclubs so I think part of that has to do with my love for makeup and dancing. I’m not very innovative when it comes to creativity but I do try to be good at the things I enjoy, like cooking.
I think everyone has experienced their own VOC and can relate to how it effects their self-esteem. In the School of Rock, Dewey was not the only was that faced a VOC. The characters Tomika and Lawrence also faced it. Lawrence not believing he is cool enough to be in the band and Tomika believing people will laugh at her because she is bigger than the other girls. So I refer back to the question in my original post and also want to expand on what others may feel is most effective to overcome their VOC?
2. Hello, my name is Ronald Whitaker. I have had great opportunity in life this far to be a part of the creative part from choir and playing guitar in a band at a young age. I have progressed into my adult life using the creative process to design and build custom bookcases for my wife. I also have had the opportunity to work as a team designing our custom fire apparatus built in my professional world.
In choosing “Mona Lisa Smile” I found myself wondering a few creative questions, time period related. My first question comes from the perspective of the professor, challenging herself in a time where females were curbed from freethinking. Would I be able to continue fighting for the ability to share independent creative/critical thought with the younger generation? The second would be as one of the students, who have been introduced to another option for there lives and having the choice to not stand behind but demand they stand beside their male counterparts. An example of this is the very subtle but obvious reference within the movie where Katherine Watson chooses to hand the students a paint by numbers box, what I believe to open their creative opportunity and remove the “voice of criticism”. Had I been one of the students could I have allowed the influence of a teacher with motivation such as the paint by numbers to allow me to shed the “Voice of Criticism” and change my entire outlook on life to accomplish more than I had previously thought possible?

Candide Discussion Questions

The book is : Voltaire, Candide (New York: Dover, 1991), paper, ISBN-13: 978-0486266893

I only need 10 Discussion Questions about this book, no answer.

For the book, each student will prepare ten (10) discussion questions (no more and no less). These questions should elicit an informed response, not a yes/no, one-sentence, an either/or, or a fact response (Worth: 25% of total grade). Students not handing in sets of questions on the assigned days will receive a zero.

Below are two sets of discussion questions for Voltaire’s “Candide”, written by students in my previous HY 102 classes. The first set received an “A+”; the second was lucky to earn a “C–“

I do not expect students in this class to achieve the quality of the first set, but make an attempt to pose questions which (if you were to present them orally in class) would demand a complex answer.

here are some example questions.

MNGT 6000 Question 2

Researcher Adams wants to conduct a work sampling study and
decides to research how much time is spent at the water coolers and what
employees say there. He believes the best way to do this is to install a hidden
camera and microphone. Adams wants to be sure proper research ethics are
followed. He determines that because employees voluntarily came to work here
and abide by company policies and decisions, this takes care of informed
consent. He does not intend to let others know of the results except the Board
of Directors so confidentiality is there. What is your assessment of Adams and
his approach? Would you approach the work sampling differently?

1,​MIDTERM ESSAY for 500 wrods 2,Stream-of-consciousness paper for 600 wrods THA105


Please write an essay (of about 500 words) or provide short answers that address some (or all) of the following questions:

Compared to the start of the semester, do you think you have made any progress in your acting?
How have your thoughts about what it means “TO ACT” changed?
Can you define or describe what GOOD ACTING is? What are the elements that make up a strong performance?
What aspects of the techniques we have worked on so far do you feel you want to work on in your final scene?
What areas do you feel you need to improve on?
What is your strategy for maintaining a good work ethic in the final scene, when you are going to be working with a scene partner?
What has been your favorite aspect of the class so far? What aspect of your own performance are you most proud of?
What assignment did you feel you did best on?
Have you disappointed yourself in any of the assignments? How are you going to ensure that doesn’t happen with the final scene?
Is the professor helping you learn to think critically about acting?
Any other comments about the class are welcome.

In your answer(s), please remember that THE FOUNDATION OF ACTING IS THE REALITY OF DOING, as Sanford Meisner would say. It is not your job as an actor to produce emotions in yourself, it is to produce emotions in others: your scene partner(s) and by extension, the audience. In your essay, please use vocabulary terms we’ve discussed in class, including Objective, Tactic, Action, Obstacles, Substitution, Given Circumstances, Subtext, etc.

This essay is worth up to 5 points in your final grade, so please answer it truthfully and thoughtfully. You may think through your performances in each assignment so far to help gauge your progress and areas that need improvement.

This essay is due on Friday, October 4 by 5PM.

Please submit two ways: Through the ASSIGNMENTS tab on blackboard as an MS WORD doc, and also in PRINT form in class on Monday October 7.


“Who Am I?” (stream of consciousness character assignment)

Attached Files:

Re-read the play from which your scene originates, do research on your character to know WHO you are, WHERE you are, WHAT you are DOING, what your OBJECTIVE is, and what you WANT.

WHO AM I? Stream-of-consciousness paper – 5 points
Students will write 600-750 words answering the following questions in the voice of their character: “Who am I?” “Where/when am I?” “What am I doing?” “What do I want most out of life in general?” “What is my objective in this scene?” “How do I want to make the other person feel?” “What am I most afraid of?” “What are the five most important events of my character’s life?”

  • The first thing to do is REREAD THE PLAY from which your scene is drawn… the ENTIRE PLAY!
  • When reviewing the play, pay careful attention to EVERYTHING YOUR CHARACTER SAYS and EVERYTHING THAT IS SAID ABOUT HER/HIM. This is called “mining the script.” Note the setting (time, place, historical period) and the general world of the play. Use your senses: what does the world of the play look/feel/smell/taste/sound like from your character’s point of view?
  • What is your character’s opinion about the other characters in the play?
  • What are the 5 MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS of your character’s life before the play starts (you may invent some of these, but they should be in keeping with the world of the play, and if the play mentions them, so should you)?
  • What is your character’s SUPER OBJECTIVE?
  • What does your character most WANT?
  • What does your character most FEAR?
  • What does your character dream about?
  • What is the most important thing to your character?
  • Your response to these questions should be about 2 pages, or 600 words, and should include AS MANY DETAILS AS POSSIBLE FROM THE PLAY about your character. It should be written in the first person (using “I” and “me” as your pronouns), NOT the 3rd person (“she” or “he”), as if you are speaking with your character’s voice. It is very important that these essays be written with the pronoun “I”, as if you were speaking in the voice of your character. Responses not done in this way will not get credit, and will be returned for rewrite.
  • This assignment is worth 5 points of your final grade.

Legislative issues affecting advanced practice nursing, Health policy Power Point assignment help

Health Policy Presentation 

The purpose of this assignment is for you to identify an issue of concern for your role as an advanced practice nurse and to formulate a potential policy change to address that issue. There are many potential issues which can influence your practice setting or other issue which may negatively affect the patients with whom you work. All of the course reading will help you to identify a topic for this assignment. You can think about the issue as related to your health promotion project of prevention of venous ulcers for diabetic. The policy you consider may be in reaction to the health promotion issue or something larger that is still related to that issue. There are hundreds of possible issues, but here is a list of a few to consider: please use ARHQ.gov, CDC.gov, and CMS.gov as the other references..I need you to follow the rubric and guideline here very strictly. power points of at least 25-30 not including reference pages. I would like to use one of the two topic

  • Legislative issues affecting advanced practice nursing
  • Barriers to practice

As you begin to work on the possible policy change: the following ideas and steps should be considered:

  • Definition and description of the issue
  • Exploration of the background of the issue
  • Stakeholders
  • Issue statement or statement of clarity
  • Possible methods of addressing the issue
  • Goals and options for changes
  • Risks and benefits of the changes
  • Evaluation methodology
  • Recommendation or solution


Grading Criteria 

Maximum Points

Identify the type of legislation, such as state, federal, scope of practice, reimbursement, loan repayment, or others.


Review of the literature consists of a minimum of 3–4 peer-reviewed articles and 6–7 other outside sources.


Describe the current policy or health policy issue and specify how it would impact nursing or healthcare.


Describe the specific aspects of the proposed policy or policy change.


Identify the individuals who would benefit from the policy change and explain where support for the change would be found.


Describe the impact of the policy change on nursing practice and health care.


Provide an analysis of the policy from your point of view and how this will influence your practice.


Uses good writing skills, appropriate grammar, and application of APA formatting throughout paper, citations, and references.




Jury Assignment


Zuzzane, as an individual, had an option to purchase a valuable piece of land for $500,000, provided she exercised the option by a certain date by mailing a deposit check for $50,000. This land was appraised at $600,000 and she intended to build housing for her family and her elderly mother on it. She drew a check for $50,000 on her personal checking account she had at First American Bank and mailed it to the landowner. Zuzzane had this checking account for 10 years. At the time she drew the check, she verified electronically that she had $60,000 in this personal account. However,s he owed the bank $30,000 for a collateralized loan that was 60 days overdue. That loan was taken out by her Limited Liability Company and secured with collateral from it. That loan had been taken out two years ago. The bank refused to honor the $50,000 check and spent $750.00 handling the resulting paperwork. As a result of the dishonorment, Zuzzabe’s option became void, and the landowner sold the land to someone else for $550,000, resulting in a severe loss to Zuzzane. She sued the bank for damages.

The Trial

At trial, Zuzzane’s attorneys proved the value of the land, her losses, and the fact that she had always paid the bank on time, except for the most recent payment that was overdue. The bank’s attorneys proved that Zuzzane was over sixty days late on her last LLC loan payment and that it was their practice not to notify customers that there might be insufficient funds in their accounts to cover all checks written, as doing so would place an undue burden on the banking system.

The Arguments at Trial

Zuzzane’s attorneys argued that a bank has no right to dishonor a check except for the normal reasons permitted by law, such as a suspected forgery, an improper endorsement, and so forth. They further argued that the bank, based on its relationship with Zuzzane, should have contacted her before dishonoring the check so that she could have taken other action to prevent her loss of the land and that she did not have an automatic deduction from her personal account for the business loan. The bank’s attorneys argued that Zuzzane’s being overdue on her last loan payment indicated she was in financial trouble, that they had a right to seize her account to cover the overdue payment, and that instead they simply refused to honor checks on her account until the overdue loan was paid. They further argued that based on banking industry customs, it is the responsibility of the customer and not the bank to make sure there are sufficient funds to cover checks written. They were losing money each day that the loan was unpaid.

Questions to Discuss

  1. Whom do you think the jury will favor, Zuzzane or the bank? Why?
  2. If you feel Zuzzane should win, what will her damages be? If you feel the bank should win, what will their damages be?
  3. Under what circumstances, if any, should a bank be able to offset a loan to a customer against any bank account on which the customer’s name appears?

Choose One Poem – Reliable and Unreliable Source Interpretation and Analysis (2 Pages, Double-Spaced)

Assignment must be 2 pages, double-spaced.

Choose one of the poems from the below:

1. William Shakespeare “When My Love Swears…” (1609)2.

2. W. H. Auden , “Lullaby” (1937)

3. Thomas Hardy, “Neutral Tones” (1867)

4 Carolyn Kizer , “Bitch” (1983)

5. Edna St. Vincent MillayWhat Lips My Lips Have Kissed” (1920)
6. Erica Jong “The Man Under the Bed”. (1973)

Using the evaluation criteria below, choose 2 sites — a reliable site and an unreliable site – to report on.

When choosing, look at the interpretations closely according to the criteria below. Also look at the “credentials” of the writer. Even a so-called expert in literature may not be very reliable if his/her interpretation is a pronouncement rather than a supported analysis.

And although a site that doesn’t let you know the names of the writers may, like Shmoop, give you some helpful information about the poems, in academic circles anonymous sources are suspect. As John Daniszewski of AP News (Links to an external site.) writes: “No one wants news that’s built on unnamed, unaccountable sources and facts seemingly pulled from the air. “

Criteria for Evaluation:

1. First of all, ask yourself: Just who is this writer? What can you find out about him or her? What is the purpose of the website on which you find the information?

To find out about the writer, google him or her. Or work backward on the website: for instance, say you have the address usc.edu/smith/english233/poetry. Eliminate the “english233/poetry” section of the URL: you might find yourself at Professor Smith’s site where you can find out more about her.

2. Does the writer supply enough examples to support his or her conclusions? (In fact, what are his/her conclusions?)

3. Does the writer ignore any information in the text that might call his or her conclusions into question? (What is that information?)

You should present your findings to me in the form of a report entitled Research Project: and the name and author of the poem.

Click HERE for more information on site evaluation. HERE for information on quoting poetry.

You should use the following headings in your report:

A. Site #1: a reliable interpretation. Name of site and URL.

Description of the site, its author, his or her credentials. Explain why you chose this poem, how you found the site and the credentials of the author.

Summary of what is said about the poem.

Your evaluation of the interpretation of the poem considering the criteria listed above.

You should quote correctly from the site to illustrate your points.

Note: Be careful to use quotation marks to distinguish your words from the exact words at the site or in the poem.

B. Site #2: an unreliable interpretation: Name of site and URL.

Description of the site, its author, his or her credentials and how you found them (or didn’t).

Summary of what is said about the poem.

Your evaluation of the interpretation of the poem considering the criteria listed in Part A.

You should quote correctly from the site to illustrate your points.

Be careful to use quotation marks to distinguish your words from the exact words at the site or in the poem.

C. Contrast of the two analyses:

Think of them in relation to each other. What does one include that the other leaves out?

Essay Questions

These are 3 quick essay questions that each have to be 500 words or less. Please keep in mind that I am an Information Technology (IT) Major when answering the questions.

1. In 500 words or less, please describe your short-term and long-term personal and college goals and what has helped to shape your goals. What specific steps will you take to reach your personal/education/career goals?

2. In 500 words or less, please describe how you plan to give back to your community and help fulfill the needs of your community after you’ve completed your education. How would your plan impact not only your immediate community, but also a broader one?

3. In 500 words or less, please describe any challenges you have faced personally, financially or academically that you have had to overcome. How have you dealt with the challenges you have faced? How have these barriers or your success in overcoming challenges affected your goals and personal character?

Vaulting Ethical and Moral Behavior DB, assignment help


You are completing an internship at a defense attorney’s office during your senior year in college. After graduation, you plan to enter law school and pursue a career as an attorney. You are still thinking about what type of law you want to practice. Your duties as an intern are to assist the private practitioner you work for in a variety of tasks, including interviewing clients and witnesses, organizing case files, running errands, and making copies. You are helping with a case that involves a defendant charged with armed robbery. One day while you are at the office alone, the defendant comes in and gives you a package for the attorney. In it you find a gun. You believe, but do not know for a fact, that the gun is the one used in the armed robbery. When the attorney returns, he instructs you to return the package to the defendant. What should you do? What should the attorney do? Should you turn the gun over to the police? Should you dispose of the gun?

Write a minimum of 2 paragraphs explaining whether or not you would return the gun to the defendant. Justify your answer based on sound moral judgment, values, and consequences of actions, using an ethical decision-making process. What would the potential consequences be for your decision? When responding to classmates’ posts, consider the information they provided, and determine why you may or may not agree with their decision.

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

persuasive problem-solution speech

you are going to make 700 word persuasive problem-solution speech about this topic : Skyrocketing number of deaths caused by the opioid crisis

Please read the attachment files very carefully because it contains everything about this assignment.

You must take a look on the rubric, so you can understand what the instructor want.

you have to write written materials and the attached files explain it

include 6 sources , APA style

YOU NEED to create 5 rhetorical devices and use the in the speech as well as put them in the written material

write out a Researched-based Question ( RBQ ) it should not be in the speech

focus on Pathos and logos

Compose a strong and memorable conclusion in the speech