Accounting Question

1. Recently, the controller of a retail company just had a $50,000 request to implement an ABC system quickly turned down. A senior vice president, in rejecting the request, noted, “Given a choice, I will always prefer a $50,000 investment in improving things a customer sees or experiences, such as our shelves or our store layout. How does a customer benefit by our spending $50,000 on a supposedly better accounting system?” Based on reasons given for implementing an ABC system, how should the controller respond?

Reply to at least two classmates’ posts. Although there are no requirements to use a number of words, your response to your classmate’s discussion should be substantive and add value to the discussion (i.e. reflecting on their response, asking follow up-questions, etc.).

“Texting” or “chat” language is not appropriate when communicating within the discussions.


2. Responsibility budget focuses on holding departments accountable for spending. In the case presented, determine who should be held accountable for the breakdown and the additional cost that Paula has to pay. Also discuss how creating responsibility centers would hold the appropriate manager accountable for over-spending in the following scenario.

Paula Beane owns a restaurant franchise that is part of a chain of southern restaurants. One of the chain’s popular breakfast items is biscuits and gravy. Central Warehouse makes and freezes the biscuit dough, which it then sells to the franchise stores where it is thawed and baked in the individual stores by the cook. Each franchise also has a purchasing agent who orders the biscuits (and other items) based on expected demand. One of the freezers in Central Warehouse breaks down and biscuit production is reduced by 25% for 3 days. During those 3 days, Paula’s franchise runs out of biscuits but demand does not slow down. Paula’s franchise cook, Betty Baker, sends one of the kitchen helpers to the local grocery store to buy refrigerated ready-to-bake biscuits. Although the customers are kept happy, the refrigerated biscuits cost Paula’s franchise three times the cost of the Central Warehouse frozen biscuits, and the franchise loses money on this item for those 3 days. Propose alternatives in order for the restaurant to reduce operating costs.