Assignment Legal Malpractice Case Description


The group will write a10–15-page APA formatted paper (title page and references list do not count towards the 10–15 pages). Support the paper with peer reviewed articles and case law where applicable. You must have minimumof eight references. You may have an appendix that has samples of documents that support your positions or expands on the facts of the case.

You will post a draft of the group paper in the Discussion Board of Unit 6. This will give you an opportunity to get peer feedback and to learn from others.

You may use Goggle Hangouts™, SKYPE®, or other conferencing tools. Additionally, you may want to use a document-sharing tool such as Google Drive®. The paper should discuss the following issues:

  • Liability issues
  • Parties involved and who should be sued
  • Defenses of the parties
  • Documents that the plaintiff’s side will ask for and how they will be used
  • Standards of care
  • Duty, breach, damages, and proximate cause
  • Insurance issues
  • Risk management issues before and after the incident
  • Documentation and mandatory reporting
  • Who should write the incident report and what should it say?
  • The doctrine of Respondeat Superior and how it would apply the issues surrounding informed consent Preparation for court of the parties.