compare and contrast of two arts work
compare and contrast between Giovanni Paolo Panini
Modern Rome, 1757 Giovanni Paolo Panini (Italian, Roman, Among Panini’s most brilliant inventions are this picture and the story of joesph italian 1446- after 1508 temprers and gold leaf on punel at the Gatty LOS ANGELS museam
(no outside reassures)
You are required to visit (proof required) an approved museum and write a 2-3 page, 12pt, Times New Roman font, double-spaced paper. You will turn in an electronic copy with your proof of going to the museum (selfie in front of image writing on or admission ticket with your name, class and date written on it). No late papers will be accepted except under serious extenuating circumstances. If you cannot get to one of the required museums because of extenuating circumstances, please see me for alternative assignment. To do this alternate assignment, you must get permission from instructor within the first 4 weeks of class. More information about this assignment will be posted on Canvas.