Critical Analysis Report
Guidelines for Critical Analysis Report
- Introduction:
A critical analysis report is a comprehensive review of a written work and a personal reaction to this analysis. Experience in making critiques of written works is required for the following reasons:- Extensive critical reading helps the student achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the concepts included in the course.
- Critical analysis of what is read aids one in becoming a more discerning consumer of the literature in the field.
- Evaluations of what is read assist the student in the comprehension of the implications of the reading content of his particular course of interest and concerns.
- The written critique helps the student develop the art of effective written communication.
- Critical analysis provides a factual basis to substantiate professional opinions.
- General Requirements:
Each student is required to review one (1) article from professional refereed journals. The articles must focus on relevant aspects of health care finance. Articles must be published within the last two years. - Guidelines for Review Format:
- All papers are to be typed and double spaced. The paper is to be clear and concise; does not contain errors in spelling, punctuation, or syntax. Failure to submit accurate and well written papers will result in a reduced grade.
- All papers are to be submitted on time to meet specific due dates.
- Synopsis and Summary:
100-200 word description of the articles basic content. - General Theme:
A brief statement about what you felt was the author’s general theme of the article. - Point of View:
A brief statement about what you felt concerning the author’s point of view – Was the presentation objective and factual or was the presentation subjective and lacking of facts? Explain your opinion. - Issue Analysis:
Provide a list of the issues presented in the article. - Conclusions and Recommendations:
List of author’s conclusions and/or recommendations, as well as your own conclusions and/or recommendations. - Agreement or Disagreement:
Based on the author’s conclusions and/or recommendations, do you agree or disagree; provide a brief justification regarding your opinion concerning your agreements and disagreements; use your professional experience(s) to develop this section, as well as class lecture and readings and other citations. - Professional Projections:
Several paragraphs on what you learned from the article and how you will apply this experience (negative or positive) in your professional career. What significance does this have in your studies or personal life? How will this information help you in the future? Improve work performance?
- Guide to Grading of the Critical Analysis Report:
Critique will be graded on a competency basis as follows:- Appropriate article (1 point)
- Synopsis and Summary (2 points)
- General theme stated (1 point)
- Point of view stated (1 point)
- Issue analysis stated (2 points)
- Conclusions and recommendations stated (2 points)
- Agreement or disagreement stated (3 points)
- Professional projections stated (3 points)
NOTE: Submit copy of journal article with your critical analysis report.
- Specific Requirements:
The one (1) review are to be selected from one (1) health finance topic. Article must be selected from reputable and refereed journals. Articles taken from trade magazines are not acceptable.