debate question : should healthcare be privatized or socialized. Virtue Ethics or Utilitarians ethic
Your group’s debate will consist of the following sections:
1) Problem description (2-3 mins):
Explain the main source of the problem and the general views that people take;
2) Pro and Con Position (4-6 mins):
a) Construct an argument on either side of the debate.
b) Be sure to include a reference to one of our ethical theories to defend your position;
3) Dialectic Reasoning (4-6 mins):
a) Ask the opposing side to address your position.
b) Pose questions to the other side regarding how they came to their conclusion.
c) Pose questions to the larger class.
is no need to present anything via Powerpoint or the like. If that
helps you think, you are welcome to use it. The chief purpose of the
assignment–to get you to think through a problem–can be done without
any visual aids (I think).
Please note two further items:
You are graded both as a group and individually;
member of the group must participate during sections (2) and (3) of the
debate. Ideally everyone will also participate in section (1), but I
leave that to the discretion of each group member.
Lastly, there
is no rubric for the grading of this assignment. If your group completes
sections (1) – (3) clearly and reasonably, you should do well. I take
it that most of you are well acquainted with group debates, so I believe
that the above covers everything that you need to know. If, however,
you require any further guidance or assistance, please do not hesitate
to let me know.