Discussion Leader
Discussion Leader
First Please read the Ideological Criticism to understand the theory. I have attached it as “Ideological Criticism”
After finishing the Ideological Criticism, READ the sample Ndiaye article attached. And do the following:
Part A: Please complete 3 pages review of sample Ndiaye article. Reviews should include 1) a summary of the article, 2) identification and description of the key elements of the analysis or findings of the reading, 3) an evaluation of the quality of the analysis, i.e., what do you think about the author’s analysis? Do you agree? Disagree? See limitations of the author’s analysis?, and 4) a discussion of whether or not you think this theory, topic, or its application would be helpful to you for your final paper/project. (in order to this you need to read the Ideological Criticism chapter)
Part B: provide discussion questions to guide students’ readings and to facilitate the discussion on sample Ndiaye article(at least 10 question)These questions should help make sure students understand basic concepts used or introduced by the readings, get at the main point or contributions of the readings, and promote discuss beyond the reading, i.e., get students to agree, disagree, or apply these concepts to other examples.Using different forms of questions can help you to guide the discussion. For example, start with “define,” “explain,” and “summarize” questions. Then ask “compare and contrast,” “apply x example to y,” and “connect” questions. Finally, ask “challenge,” “evaluate,” and “what do you think?” type questions.
Paper will be given to the teacher and she is hard grader. Please make it good paper and don’t use big words. It has to be all related to the sample Ndiaye article.
And for the 10 question you will provide. Please provide the answers of them as well with the pages number. I will be leader the disscussin and I Need to know the answer for your question and also the pages numbers.
Buddy this is very important work. Please make it as good as you can. It worth so many points. I trust you on this. Thank you