HRM 510
Discussion 1
“Employment Tests, Hiring and Promotion Decisions” Please respond to the following:
- Using the e-Activity, choose two (2) of the following employment tests: drug tests, medical examinations, polygraphs or honesty tests, and scored test of ability. Next, analyze the manner in which the testing itself could be considered illegal when an organization does not properly use it during the employment hiring process. Justify your response.
- Give your opinion of the purpose of the Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ), as discussed within the text. Then, suggest two (2) occupations where the discriminatory requirement is legal. Justify your response.
- Use the Internet or the Strayer Library to research employment tests (i.e., drug tests, medical examinations, polygraphs or honest tests, and scored tests of ability). Be prepared to discuss.
Discussion 2
“Affirmative Action and Harassment” Please respond to the following:
- Using the e-Activity, review the background of affirmative action. Then, argue whether or not the intended fairness afforded by affirmative action is relevant to the 21st century, considering that organizations are typically trending toward promoting a diverse workforce. Justify your response.
- Select two (2) of the following types of harassment: same-sex harassment, cyber harassment, or hostile virtual environment. Investigate the significant ways in which the selected type of harassment could alter work conditions in any organization. Then, formulate a plan to minimize the selected type of harassment in the organization.
- Go to The Leadership Conference’s Website to read the article titled “Affirmative Action”, located at http://archives.civilrights.org/resources/civilrights101/affirmaction.html. Be prepared to discuss.
Discussion 3
“Reasonable Accommodating and Work-Life Conflicts” Please respond to the following:
- Using the e-Activity, summarize the outcome of the selected case. Then, outline a corrective action plan geared toward mitigating the unfair reasonable accommodation practices within the organization in question.
- Determine two (2) work-life challenges that either military personnel (e.g., Reserve and National Guard, etc.), individuals with accents or English fluency concerns, or gays / lesbians may face within any organization. Examine at least two (2) employment laws that protect your selected group. Next, outline a plan that could assist an organization in protecting the selected group from discrimination.
- Use the Internet to research one (1) case where an organization unfairly executed its reasonable accommodation policy. Be prepared to discuss.
HRM 500
Discussion 1
“Complex Selection Process”
- Some organizations set up a long and complex selection process. In some people’s opinion, not only is this kind of selection process more valid, it also has symbolic value. What can the use of a long, complex selection process symbolize to job seekers? How do you think this would affect the organization’s ability to attract the best employees?
- Suppose you were recently promoted to a supervisory job in a company where you have worked for two years. You genuinely like almost all your co-workers, who now report to you. The only exception is one employee, who dresses more formally than the others and frequently tells jokes that embarrass you and the other workers. Given your preexisting feelings for the employees, how can you measure their performance fairly and effectively?
- Fewer than one-third of respondents to a survey say their company is prepared for the future. Even among the top companies, only 27% say they have employees prepared for openings in the executive ranks, and only 18% are ready to fill management positions at lower levels. About one-third (34%) say their organization develops leaders effectively. What competitive advantages could a skilled HR manager deliver at an organization committed to improving its talent management?
Discussion 2
“Fair and Efficient Performance Reviews”
- Suppose you were recently promoted to a supervisory job in a company where you have worked for two years. You genuinely like almost all your co-workers, who now report to you. The only exception is one employee, who dresses more formally than the others and frequently tells jokes that embarrass you and the other workers. Given your preexisting feelings for the employees, how can you measure their performance fairly and effectively?
Discussion 3
“Improving Talent Management”
- Fewer than one-third of respondents to a survey say their company is prepared for the future. Even among the top companies, only 27% say they have employees prepared for openings in the executive ranks, and only 18% are ready to fill management positions at lower levels. About one-third (34%) say their organization develops leaders effectively. What competitive advantages could a skilled HR manager deliver at an organization committed to improving its talent management?
HRM 562
Discussion 1
“Contextual Factors and Behavioral Channels” Please respond to the following:
- Design a table using three (3) of the six (6) contextual factors (e.g., environmental uncertainty, task uncertainty, error criticality, task structure, proximity to the organization’s core mission, and organizational structure). For each contextual factor, create one (1) brief scenario that is beyond management’s control. Then, develop one (1) corrective action to increase the management success. Note: Online students may use Microsoft Word or other equivalent software to design the table and then copy and paste it into the discussion board.
- Use the Internet or the Strayer Library to research different leadership styles. Next, select the behavioral channel of influence that you believe promotes the most effective learning in your organization or an organization with which you are familiar. Then, specify the most effective leadership style to influence the workforce. Justify your response.
Discussion 2
“Dissemination of Knowledge” Please respond to the following:
- Select either direct or indirect dissemination of information and knowledge. Using three (3) of the six (6) basic elements, (i.e., the source, the recipient, the relationship between them, the knowledge to be transferred, the method of transfer, and the organizational context within which transfer occurs), suggest one (1) problem that may occur in each element. Justify your response.
- Compare and contrast the major similarities and difference between tacit and explicit knowledge. Then, determine the two (2) most effective and the two (2) most ineffective dissemination mechanisms in a virtual learning environment for each type of knowledge. Justify your response.
Discussion 3
“Learning, Social and Control, and Psychological Functions” Please respond to the following:
- Select one (1) work-related activity in which you have participated (either a successful or failed performance), and decide whether or not debriefing could have been an effective tool to improve the performance. Next, determine one (1) learning function from the activity, and provide at least one (1) example of the learning function.
- Imagine that your organization has expanded into a new country requiring several employees to live there for the duration of their employment. Create one (1) social and control function to assist the expatriate’s experience then suggest a systematic approach using one (1) psychological function to share with future expatriates. Justify your response. Note: You may reference any country of your choosing in your response.