Nkululeko J. Ntshane additional investors to obtain Ntshanga owns a manganese ore mining business in
Nkululeko J. Ntshane additional investors to obtain Ntshanga owns a manganese ore mining business investors to obtain inancing for planned expansion So ssed a concern that money is really being sought to address liquid Nkululeko's company Siness. He is interested in attracting Sion. Some potential investors have ess liquidity problems being faced by To alleviate this concern Nkululeko provided the following complete list mpany Use this information to determine the company's current asse capital current ratio, and quick ratio. Based on your calculations, does experiencing liquidity problems? Explain. complete list of assets and liabilities of the Current assets, current liabilities, working dlations, does it appear that the company is 4,569,000 45,800 100,000 468,000 255,000 3,000,000 Accumulated Depreciation Prepaid Rent Note Payable (due in 3 months) Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Patent Cash Supplies Unearned Revenues Equipment Interest Payable Loan Payable (due in 3 years) 790.000 134,800 133,000 8.777,600 45,000 1,500,000