Presantation Powerpint with the note Tom Wesselmann, art & design homework help
Your presentation should lastno
less than 4 minutes and no more than 7 minutes. A presentation that is less than 3
minutes or more than 8 minutes will lose at least two letter grades.
This is a sign of lack of organization and poor preparation. It is important
that you practice your presentation out loud with a timer beforehand to make
sure you have an appropriate amount of material.
Content/subject matter
In your presentation, you should
discuss the following:
· How does your artist represent
the human body? What stereotypes does s/he follow or subvert?
· How does the work of your artist
relate to class readings/the theme for the day?
It is important that you budget
time for gathering information and images, organizing, creating your Powerpoint
and, most importantly, timing your presentation. You should begin work on your
presentation at least one week in advance of the due date.
Knowledge of/familiarity with the material
You should have done your
research and rehearsed your material so that you do not stumble through your
presentation. You should NEVER read your powerpoint presentation. Your audience
can read for themselves. Make sure you know how to pronounce the artist’s name
and any other words that may be unfamiliar.
Use of Sources
You are to put source
material in your own words. DO NOT read long quotes or use advanced vocabulary
that is not your own. You will lose at least one letter grade for doing so.
Powerpoint presentation
- your powerpoint should coordinate with your oral presentation
- use the best quality images you can find
- your focus should always be on the
images – NEVER, NEVER, NEVER read from your Powerpoint. THIS IS COMPLETELY
and provide us something interesting to look at while you give us
Material to be handed in on the day of your presentation
a type-written or
computer-generated copy of your notes/presentation on 8.5×11 paper
NOT on index cards
NOT your powerpoint presentation