Should employers be allowed to perform random drug testing of their employees?
Debate Topic: Should employers be allowed to perform random drug testing of their employees?
Alright, this is a different from anything else I have assigned you. First of all, this is not for a class or any school work. This is a special debate league. That means it does not have to be formal. I encourage you to use references and/or footnotes and the key here is to make the strongest, most aggressive, and most convincing argument possible. Take a never wavering stance on the position you choose, provide the best points and evidence to back it up, make the reader see your point-of-view, and shoot down the counterargument. Make the voice or tone conversational and not so technically rigid. You are allowed to cuss if you feel passionate enough about what you are saying.
800 words is the STRICT word count maximum. The debate cannot go over 800 words. Footnotes and images with words do not count towards the maximum word count. Just don’t blatantly have a ton of words in images or footnotes I am told.
I will provide you with some prior debates so you can see how some chose to structure them so maybe you can take note and build from the examples and judges comments.