Signature Assignment-Individual in Society
We live in a world full of challenges. In many places, people are experiencing rising unemployment,
political violence, poverty, and looming ecological disasters, most of these problems created by or
related to human activity. As individuals living in a free society, we are also free to pursue our private
satisfactions independently of others. Yet we are embedded in a broader societal context that includes
our family, our communities, and our nation – not to mention that it is common today to speak of an
even wider global community. In addition to these challenges, consider how social media, new media
technology and even automation are changing and shaping the world.
**Please read carefully**
This assignment includes two parts:
Part 1) A 750 word written response [short essay] to the questions below and
Part 2) A screencast presentation of this written assignment based on your written response.
Your presentation will discuss – using fluent, academic arguments (meaning ideas argued from academic
sources with a creative, compelling, logical and an imaginative use of language) – the following