Western Civilization 1 Final Essay Assignment 3-5 page essay Select one of the movements from the list below



Select one of the movements from the list below and write a 3-5 page essay that includes the following information:

1. Give a general description of the movement.

2. Goals of the movement.

3. Discuss at least 2 people who had an impact on the movement.

4. What were the accomplishments/impacts of the movement?

Topics to Choose From:

1.The Pax Romana

2.The Development of the Greek Polis

3.Greek Thought

4.Hellenistic Greece

5.The Expansion of Islam

6.The Carolingian Empire

7.The Mongol Empire

8.The Crusades

9.The Renaissance

Writing Guidelines for the Assignment:

1.The essay should be 3-5 word processed, double-spaced pages in 12 point Times New Roman or Ariel font.

2. You must use at least 5 academic sources (your textbook, Spark notes, Prezi, Wikipedia, etc…. can NOT be used as sources). At least one of the sources must be a Primary Source Document. Check here for differences between primary and secondary sources: http://aumnicat.aum.edu/historical-research-primary-vs-secondary-sources

3. You must cite the sources you use in the text of the paper, and you must have a works cited page at the end of your paper that lists your sources alphabetically by last name of the author. For information on in-text citations look here:https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/2/

4. You must cite specific examples to support your arguments.