What Type of Articles Are Published in Prominent Practitioner Journals to Assist Mathematics Teacher ?

Meta-synthesis Of Practitioner Journals To Analyze Type, Rate And Quality Of Published Articles To Assist Mathematics Teacher

NEED TO BE FIXED a research project. This includes a written report somewhere between a journal article and a full master’s thesis. The project is a journal analysis. The journals are The College Mathematics Journal(Publisher:Mathematical Association of America) and The Mathematics Teacher(Publisher:NCTM). Date range for the journals are 2012 – 2017.

Roughly speaking, the paper has 5 parts:

  1. Introduction: this template is attached with writing guidelines
  2. Literature Review: It will be a summary of prior journal analyses and metasynthesis research.
  3. Methods: This is where you explain in what will feel like too much detail exactly what you did to find journals and analyze them. The idea of a methods section is that it should read like a sub plan for a sub you don’t trust. Someone should be able to take your methods and implement the analysis you did without any further information than what is written
  4. Results: This is where you present the results of the analysis. Often in this kind of paper it is patterns. Maybe there are tons of algebra activities, but little geometry. Or a journal says they publish math ed but it turns out to not be super true. It’s hard to say before the analysis is done what goes here. There are typically a lot of figures and tables.
  5. Discussion: This is the conclusion section. It summarizes what was found, and in a journal analysis typically makes recommendations for what things should be published in the future.
  6. Other sections: References(in APA), Appendices and front matter (title page, table of contents, etc)

I submitted to my adviser and got this response:

“I have looked over your paper. It is formatted well and you have shown great initiative this semester, I’m afraid what you have is going to require significant rewriting. Parts of the methods section and the literature review are salvageable, but all of the rest will need to be redone. I am especially concerned about the sentences lifted from papers without attribution or with attribution to another paper. I had major surgery yesterday but will give direction as soon as I am able. I would like to move forward by sending some videos on how to do the analysis of the practitioner journal articles. Look for that by the end of this week. In the meantime, you can start by deleting all of the unattributed and misattributed quotes in the current draft.”

“I am now uploading a video to your dropbox providing more direction on literature review and journal analysis and their differences. I will try to make the code sheet mentioned in the video today so that you can get started on the analysis as soon as possible.” (SINCE THE VIDEO FORMAT IS TOO BIG, I ATTACHED IN THE POWERPOINT FORMAT. )

“I have placed a coding protocol in your dropbox. There is a protocol (read that first) and a blank coding sheet. You will want to use a new coding sheet for each issue. I have started the first coding sheet for the January 2012 issue of MAA to give you an example”

With all these requirements, attached research paper(“Meta Synthesis of Practitioner Journals”) needs to be fixed.

* All the articles will be provided if you needed.




