Apple Inc Case Analysis

This assignment utilizes a case depicting a real-life situation for which you will conduct a detailed case analysis. This will involve reading the provided case, researching the company, identifying a problem/challenge, and making recommendations.


To begin, read Case 20: Apple Inc.: Limits to Growth? (attached). After reading the case, you will complete the following tasks providing an in-depth analysis:


  1. Looking through the lens of each of the following three stakeholder groups-management’s influence, corporate governance and board of director’s influence, and shareholders influence-theorize how they can use their influence to shape Apple’s culture and lead to greater growth in the coming decades.
  2. Explain the role organizational design could play in supporting organizational culture and learning.
  3. Design a learning organization model that Apple should adopt to help meet investors’ expectations by promoting the growth of products from existing product lines and new products (unlike the growth of services). Begin by appraising different entrepreneurial competitive strategies and then selecting one.


Your case study analysis should be substantive and fully address the assignment requirements. The completed analysis should be at least four pages in length, not counting the required title and reference pages.


Academic work should always be supported with credible sources. It will be necessary to heavily rely on credible secondary sources to complete this assignment, particularly the analysis. You are required to use at least three scholarly sources to support your case study. One source must come from the CSU Online Library.


Please write objectively from the third-person point of view. Avoid writing in the first-person voice (i.e., I and we) and second-person voice (i.e., you and your).


Submit your assignment in a Word document following APA Style formatting and guidelines, including double-spacing, 1-inch margins, indentations, font, citations, references, and such.


Please also use section headings and subheadings that align with the assignment requirements. These will ensure you complete all requirements, and it makes a professional presentation. Finally, please review the grading rubric so you are aware of all the grading criteria.


Marketing Plan

Part I: Marketing Plan-Section II


Continue using the Marketing Plan template (attached), complete Section II (beginning on page 7) of your marketing plan.

Your completed Section II of the marketing plan must be at least three pages in length.

You must use a minimum of five reputable references to support Section II of your plan (i.e., annual reports, journal articles, newspaper articles, conversations with key employees of the firm, Internet articles); three of the resources must be peer-reviewed or academic in nature.


Part II: Marketing Plan-Section III


Using the same Marketing Plan template (attached) , complete Section III of the marketing plan.

Your submission for Section III must be at least three, but no more than five pages in length.

You must use a minimum of five reputable references to support Section III of your plan, three of which must be peer-reviewed or academic in nature.


Your entire marketing plan submission (completed Sections I, II, and III) should consist of a minimum of nine pages with a maximum of 15 pages. The title and references pages do not count toward this requirement.


Adhere to APA Style when constructing all sections of your marketing plan, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.


Be sure to delete the instructions left for you in the template and replace them with your own information.

Business Research Paper


Case Study – Venmo

To begin, read Case 26: Venmo: Better Than Cash? (attached) in the textbook. This case study depicts a real-life situation for Venmo for which you will conduct a detailed analysis with strategic recommendations.


Venmo is well-known in the United States and enjoys broad support from its younger audience. Although doing well monetizing its customer base in comparison to its social media counterparts, such as Twitter and Snapchat, its U.S. domestic financial performance does not seem to measure up to its reputation (Dess et al., 2024).


“Electronic payment solutions, and digital commerce in general, are trending. Global digital commerce volume is expected to double to $6 trillion by 2022, according to consulting firm McKinsey” (Dess et al., 2024, p. C245). Also, projections show excellent growth in digital payments for innovative companies. With a growing list of competitors (e.g., Cash App, Zelle, ApplePay, Google Wallet, Samsung Pay, and Android Pay) and lack of a global presence, how can Venmo expand internationally to achieve competitive advantage and improved financials?


Complete the following:


  1. Choose a foreign country that you believe would be a viable market for Venmo’s international expansion.
  2. Analyze the foreign market’s macroenvironment, and identify opportunities and threats (e.g., socio/cultural differences, demographics).
  3. Propose ideas for Venmo to use their internal strengths to leverage opportunities and neutralize risks of international expansion.
  4. Given what you know about Venmo, the foreign market, and its first move into international business, provide your rationale for whether Venmo should choose a global strategy, international strategy, transnational strategy, or multidomestic strategy. Detail specific risks of your recommended strategy.
  5. Evaluate and justify an international mode of entry from among the following choices: franchising, licensing, strategic alliances, joint ventures, or wholly owned subsidiaries.


Academic work should always be supported with credible sources. It will be necessary to rely on credible secondary sources to complete this assignment, particularly when performing your analysis. At least six sources should support your work. It is strongly recommended that the CSU Online Library be used to find relevant and current sources.


Please write objectively from the third-person point of view. Avoid writing in the first-person voice (i.e., I and we) and second-person voice (i.e., you and your).


While quality is preferred over quantity, your submission should be at least two pages in length, not counting the required title and reference pages.


Submit your assignment in a Word document following APA Style. You may use section headings and subheadings that align with the assignment requirements. These will ensure you complete all requirements, and it makes a professional presentation. Review the grading rubric so you are aware of all the grading criteria.


Case Study – Got Milk

Part I: Case Study – Got Milk?

Review the case “Management Decision Case: Got Milk? What Kind?” found at the end of Chapter 7 (attached)in your textbook following the “Application Questions.” After reading the case, answer the following questions:


  • What methods of segmentation would be ideal for alt-milk products? Based on your ideal segmentation method, how would you position these products? What value does segmentation add from the perspective of marketing research?
  • What are your thoughts on plant-based milks? Do you consume these? Why, or why not?
  • Do some research on generational differences related to milk consumption. How does your consumption compare to others? Based on your research, which target marketing approach would you choose for alt-milk products and why? Compare and contrast how targeting is used from the perspective of consumers and businesses.
  • How do flavored and enhanced milks appeal to you? Will sustainability increase consumer demand? How would you design an ad campaign focused on sustainability? Please use examples here.


Part II


Review the information about Values Attitude Lifestyles Survey (VALS) by going to the following Strategic Business Insights webpage:


Once there, review all of the U.S. VALS Types.


After you have reviewed eight VALS Types, please answer the following:


  • What do you feel to be your primary and secondary VALS type?
  • Choose four of the eight U.S. VALS types (innovators, thinkers, believers, achievers, strivers, experiencers, makers, and survivors) and describe how the targeted marketing and ad campaign in the alt-milk case would need to be modified to better reach each group.


You must utilize at least two peer-reviewed or academically reliable sources to support your responses.


Do not respond to the questions in question-and-answer format but instead respond in essay format. Use subheadings to logically organize both parts into a single paper.


Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.






Case Study – Lime

This assignment will require a thorough situation analysis and SWOT analysis to inform strategic recommendations. To begin, read Case 14: Lime: Is e-Bike Sharing the Next Uber? (attached).


Then, perform a comprehensive situation analysis for Lime’s U.S. domestic market. Your analysis should include identified factors from Lime’s external macroenvironment and internal microenvironment. Your external environmental analysis should be conducted using the PESTLEC model discussed in Unit II. The internal environmental analysis should be performed using the value-chain analytical model introduced in Chapter 3 and should include a detailed analysis of primary and support activities at Lime. The external and internal factors identified in the analyses may include factors discussed in Case 14 and should go beyond these since the textbook case information is not real-time. Please note that there may be multiple political forces, multiple economic forces, and so on, that are important to discuss, but not all forces from the PESTLEC model may be relevant to your business venture. You will decide later which relevant forces to move into the SWOT matrix. The information included in the situation analysis should not be anecdotal but rather heavily supported with recent scholarly sources.

Perform a SWOT analysis informed by your situation analysis. Populate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats quadrants by correctly categorizing the most strategically relevant external and internal environmental factors that were identified in your PESTLEC analysis and value-chain analysis. There should be at least three factors in each quadrant of your SWOT matrix.


Use the SWOT matrix below, or a similar version of your choosing, to complete your SWOT analysis.



Following the completion of your SWOT matrix, complete the following:


  1. Evaluate the internal and external factors you included in your SWOT and provide your rationale as to why you felt these factors were important to include.
  2. Integrate insights from the SWOT with Ansoff’s product-market matrix introduced in Unit III to discuss strategies that address challenges with respect to Lime’s own internal strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Explain the overarching purpose and value of performing external and internal analyses as a precursor to help formulate business strategies to achieve competitive advantage within a market. Explain how the purpose and value of a situation analysis is different from that of a SWOT analysis.

Academic work should always be supported with credible sources. It will be necessary to rely on credible secondary sources to complete this assignment, particularly when performing your situation analysis. At least three sources should support your work.


Please write objectively from the third-person point of view. Avoid writing in the first-person voice (i.e., I and we) and second-person voice (i.e., you and your).


While quality is preferred over quantity, your thorough and substantive situation analysis and SWOT should be at least four pages in length, not counting the required title and reference pages.


Submit your assignment in a Word document following APA Style. You may use section headings and subheadings that align with the assignment requirements. These will ensure you complete all requirements, and it makes a professional presentation. Review the grading rubric so you are aware of all the grading criteria.

Marketing Plan – Part 1

Marketing Plan-Section I

Throughout this course, you will develop a comprehensive marketing plan using concepts introduced in the textbook, unit lesson, and unit discussions. Please refer to the Marketing Plan Section I template (attached) before starting your proposal. When completing each portion of the template, be sure to delete the text that is currently there and replace it with your information. In addition, please save the template to your computer so that you can use it to submit your full marketing plan later in the course. After you receive your grade for each section of the marketing plan, make sure that you go back and apply any professor feedback you receive to your submissions. This will help to ensure that you receive a higher grade on your completed marketing plan.


For Section I of your marketing plan, include the following information:

  • Identify the brand you have selected for the marketing plan. I have chosen Target. Be sure to include:
  • the name of the firm,
  • a description of the firm’s background,
  • reasons why you chose to prepare a marketing strategy for this firm, and
  • key issues or challenges the firm is currently experiencing.
  • Identify the current status of the industry. Include secondary resources discussing upward or downward trends in the industry.
  • Conduct a comprehensive competitive analysis. Include a minimum of two competitors and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.
  • Compile a political, economic, social, and technological (PEST) analysis. You should include a minimum of two elements for each component within your PEST. This includes two for each of the following: politics, economics, social, and technological.
  • Explain which marketing strategies you anticipate using in your marketing plan.

Section I of your marketing plan must be at least three but no more than five pages in length. The title and references pages do not count toward this requirement. You must use at least two peer-reviewed or academically reliable resources to support this part of your plan.

Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.


Discussion board reply

Please respond with a response for each post: 


  1. How can using both quantitative and qualitative approaches improve nursing quality improvement projects? Give an example of when each kind of approach could be useful
  2. Read the information and respond:  In the research article, were ethical safeguards identified?  If not, what ethical safeguards would you expect to see?  Were there vulnerable groups included in the research?

The quality improvement project address colon surgical site infection rate was higher than the national average, and the importance to reduce the rate to meet the national average for the following reasons to reduce the mortality and morbidity rate, minimize the hospital stay, and consider vulnerable population such as diabatic patients in processes of reducing the infection rate. How ever it was not stated clearly the ethical safeguard, but the study address in limitations that they didn’t include the patient comorbidity (Guerrero et al, 2021). It was important to identified venerable population such as cancer cases, immunocompromised patients, and demographic data.

  • What form of data or metrics is identified as important?  Was the research qualitative or quantitative?  

The study didn’t provide exact metrics to support their rational for implementing the study, adding reasons to validate the study such as reduce the length of hospital stay, the hospital rate in surgical site infection is higher than the national average, that affects the hospital performance and reputation publicly (Guerrero et al, 2021).

The research used retrospective cohort method which considered as quantitative, because used a measurables variables (Alligood ,2022), also it is considered as quantitative because it the study implemented controlled experiment (Chen, 2022). The study concentrates more on the process of the procedure and the data resources, such as pre and post the colon site surgical infection rate, compare it to the national average.


3.How do you think the PICOT question framework can help identify effective interventions for improving patient care in APRN practice?