1 part of the assignment

Discussion Forum 4 Main Post Prompt

For your main post, please write two or more paragraphs (total 500+ words) on the following:

Paragraph 1 (Your Essay 4 Thesis):

Begin with a one sentence thesis that fully answers the Essay 4 question:

  • Choose two of Plato’s ideas from the Allegory of the Cave in The Republic and explain whether you think the experiences of extreme sport athletes in flow states support or reject those ideas.

Possible 3 thesis types:

  1. A thesis where you argue the athletes might support one Plato idea but reject another one.
  2. A thesis where you argue the athletes support both Plato ideas
  3. A thesis where you argue the athletes reject both Plato ideas.

Possible Plato arguments to consider for your thesis (make sure to avoid plagiarism of Dr Kwa’s wording):

  • The world of the senses is not a reliable source of universal truths.
  • The only way to discover universal truths is through logic / the intellect rather than the senses.
  • As a person who is expert at using the intellect to discover universal truths, a philosopher is the person most qualified in any community to be its highest governing leader or king.
  • The logical ability to reason is innate and cannot be learned through education.
  • Not all people have the ability or deserve to become part of the ruling class of philosopher kings since some people lack the innate ability to reason.
  • Universal truths exist; these are ideas, which are true all the time regardless of time, history, context, or point of view.
  • It is painful to be the trailblazer who travels between the world of the senses (inside cave) and the world of universal truths (outside the cave), but it is worth the discomfort because of what one can do to benefit others in society.
  • The highest level of human achievement or the greatest good / meaningful experience one can have in life is to perceive universal truths through the intellect.
  • Universal truths show philosophers the Good in the world as a unifying, orderly, beautiful, and purposeful force that is very similar to what many people of various religions call “God.”
  • Another Platonic idea from the “Allegory of the Cave” not on this list.

Paragraph 2 or More (Quotation Analysis)

  • Support your thesis with quotations from both Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and Kotler’s Rise of Superman.

  • End your main post with an interesting question for the class that stems from the ideas in your post.


Discussion Forum 4 Reply Posts Prompt (50+ words)

Part 1: What parts of the other student’s main post could you identify with? What parts did you like? Explain why you liked those ideas.

Part 2: Suggest improvements by referring to additional supporting examples from Gidget. Or point out parts of the other student’s main post that you would like to see discussed in more detail, either with more explanation, clarification, or support.

Part 3: End your reply post with an interesting question that is relevant to your discussion.


Online Class Discussion Forum General Instructions

I. Point Value: 60 points

II. Requirements:

  • 1 main post (500+ words) that fully responds to Dr. Kwa’s prompt
  • 6 replies (50+ words each) to others’ main posts
  • Very Important: You are required to end all of your main posts and replies with a question that is related to your thoughts in your post.

III. Deadline: Late main posts and replies are not accepted.

IV. Originality: If your discussion forum plagiarizes ideas or wording from another student’s post or an outside source, you will receive “0” points for your plagiarized forum. Claiming lack of understanding of plagiarism will not be an acceptable excuse for plagiarism in your post. You will not be allowed to rewrite your plagiarized post. Please make sure to give credit to other students by name should you discuss their ideas.

V. Forum Formatting and Other Important Tips

  • Main posts should be titled “Main Post”
to distinguish them from replies
  • Paragraph formatting: Divide your post into separate paragraphs. Skip a blank linebetween paragraphs, and do not indent paragraphs (e.g. business letters).

  • Make sure to answer all parts of Dr. Kwa’s instructions for each discussion.

  • Avoid recopying Dr. Kwa’s questions and writing in a question and answer format. 
Write in well-organized complete paragraphs.
  • Must show language respectful of other students and Dr. Kwa. Disagreement is fine; hurtful language is not. Flaming posts will be immediately deleted from the forum.
  • Should not get off topic. Please not waste class forum space by talking solely about excuses for why you haven’t been participating earlier in the class discussion. Also avoid short posts where you say that you can’t post now but will post later in the week.
  • Must be proofread and reasonably grammatically correct. I recommend that you first write your post in Microsoft Word, save it, and then cut and paste it into the forum.

a) Remember to capitalize “I,” beginnings of sentences, proper nouns etc.

b) Use proper punctuation, including periods at end of sentences.

c) Avoid all capitalized letters in words since this looks like screaming in written form.

d) Avoid run-ons and fragments.

e) Avoid abbreviations used typically when texting or writing casual emails.

f) Always spell-check.