10 Minute Presentation on Policy Analysis (NO POWERPOINT ONLY NOTE PRESENTATION)

**DUE: Oral Presentations**

For class, you must submit on moodle prior to class time and bring to class:

  • Oral Presentation of Research Project: 10% All students will make a 10-15 minute presentation to the class about their research paper. The presentation should provide the audience:
    • 1) a statement framing the significance of your research problem and policy focus
    • 2) a discussion of the important and relevant research literature utilized;
    • 3) a discussion of the major findings;
    • 4) the major policy implications/recommendations based upon your research

*Note: Oral presentations should be well prepared but casual. Remember you know everyone in the class, you are among friends. NO POWERPOINT. Please prepare some notes for your presentation. You will stand and make a 10-15 minute presentation followed by a short question and answer session.