321.Follow the instruction to write 1page discussion

Respond to all four of the following question-sets. For this module, you are required to respond to every question in a question-set. (Minimum 250 words.)

A) Drawing upon the assigned reading, discuss the circumstances and issues surrounding the rise of Christian Fundamentalism. What is the Christian Fundamentalist view of the relationship between religion and science? What did you find most interesting in the section on the early days of Fundamentalism?

B) Drawing upon the broadcast “The Heart’s Reason: Hinduism and Science,” how does V.V. Raman describe various Hindu perspectives on the relationship between religion and science? on the relationship between religion and numbers? What did you find most interesting about this broadcast?

C) Describe and discuss some of the various “Buddhisms” practiced in America. Describe and discuss the divide within American Buddhism between Asian-American Buddhists and non-Asian Buddhists. What did you find most interesting about the reading/video on Buddhism in America?

D) Describe and discuss some of the ways in which Hindus have adapted their traditions to the American context. Describe and discuss some of the generational differences/tensions regarding maintaining Hindu traditions in the American context? What did you find most interesting in the readings on Hinduism in America?

E) Drawing upon the assigned reading, discuss some of the changes brought about by Vatican II.