6 Short responses assignments

There will be 6 small essay of one single-spaced page analysis of the readings.

1, Topic Deindustrialization, Gendered Work, and Working-Class Conservatism

Reading: “‘Vigorously Left, Right, and Center at the Same Time:’ The Crosscurrents of Working‐Class America in the 1970s.” by Jefferson Cowie in America in the Seventies, eds., Beth Bailey and David Farber. (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2004), 75-106.

“‘A Spontaneous Loss of Enthusiasm’: Workplace Feminism and the Transformation of Women’s Service Jobs in the 1970s,” by Dorothy Sue Cobble in International Labor and Working-Class History 56 (Fall 1999): 23-44. [16 pages] [google for pdf.]


2. Topic Race, Gender, and Globalization since the

Reading: “What Has Happened to the Labor Movement,” by Dan Clawson and Mary Ann Clawson in Annual Review of Sociology, 25 (1999): 95-119.

“The Politics of Labor and Race in the USA,” by Bill Fletcher, Jr. and Fernando Gapasin, in Socialist Register, Vol. 30 (2003), p. 245-264

3. Topic Race, Gender, and the Cultural Economy

Reading: Artland Labor Reading

4. Topic Environment, Inequality, and Capitalism

Reading: “United to Win: Labor-Environmental Alliances, by Dan Jakopovitch in Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, 20(2), 74-96. 2009.

“What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism,” by Fred Magdoff & John Bellamy Foster, Monthlyreview.org (7 March 2010), http://www.countercurrents.org/foster070310.htm

5. Topic Food: Gender, Race, and Nationality at Work

Reading: “Return to the Jungle: The Rise and Fall of Meatpacking Work,” by Daniel Calamuci in New Labor Forum, 2008, 17(1): 67-77.

“Inside a Poultry Processing Plant: An Ethnographic Portrait,” by Steve Striffler in Labor History 43(3):305-313. August 2002.

“Food Fight: The Politics of the Food Industry,” by Kristin Wartman in New Labor Forum, Fall 2012, 21(3): 75-79.