A Twitch Streamer
Write an essay by following instruction:you will watch someone stream. It can be anyone, as long as they AREN’T a pro. That comes later.
- What’s the audience and how does the caster appeal to/create for that audience?
- Does this cast cater to hardcore fans or do you see ways in which there is an attempt to help people who don’t understand the game follow the action? Why?
- Think about production value. This will vary greatly from stream-to-stream. Some streams will just be a person playing with coms from a game as audio. Think about how that impacts you as a viewer.
- How does the caster involve the audience directly in the cast? If they don’t, why? What might be gained or lost?
- Why’d you stayed with the stream? What is the appeal?
Each criterion will be worth 2 points of your final total for the assignment.
You may pick any streamer you like as long as:
- They aren’t a pro or a professional organization
- Stream for at least 1 hour