altered consciousness

Choose any movie (must be at least 1 hour long) that is about altered states of consciousness. This can be about drugs, alcohol, sleep, dreams, hypnosis, religious experiences (that alter consciousness) – anything where altered consciousness is at the forefront of the film.

Some movie examples include (but please research others!):

  • Trainspotting
  • Requiem for Dream
  • Icaros: A Vision (wow!)
  • Dead Awake
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • What the Bleep Do We Know?
  • DMT: The Spirit Molecule
  • Blow
  • Sleep Dealer
  • Huicholes: The Last Peyote Guardians
  • Documentaries on spiritual experiences or autobiographical films

In your Yellowdig Pin discuss the following and number each of your responses:

  1. Why did you choose this movie?
  2. Give a brief summary of one of the parts of the movie pertaining to altered consciousness – not the entire movie and DO NOT copy a movie summary from the internet. This should give enough detail so that the reader can understand what is going on with the character(s).
  3. Analyze what this person or people are experiencing (drug classification and effects or sleep cycles – whatever aspect of consciousness this movie entails). This must entail a specific reference to your text- integrate appropriate concepts.
  4. Give your overall impression of this movie and what this person/people were experiencing. This is subjective – how did it make you feel, what did you learn, what did you find interesting, scary, etc.

You are required to cite, in APA-style, your sources, including your movie, the textbook, and any other sources you may reference. You will lose points if you do not cite any materials or your Pin contains several grammatical errors.