An annotated bibliography is a list of your sources in which you summarize, assess, and reflect on each of the sources you plan to use for your paper.
An annotated bibliography is a list of your sources in which you summarize, assess, and reflect on each of the sources you plan to use for your paper. You can read more details about each of these sections by clicking
Create an annotated bibliography for Essay #3 using at least one sources. One of these sources must be an etymological source. You should provide proper MLA citations of each source you plan to use as well. You can read more about the format by clicking
You may use an online resource to create your citations. Many websites with scholarly information will cite things for you.
For each source, you must write 100 words for each section:
1. Summary
2. Assessment
3. Reflection
This means that each source will have a total minimum of 300 words written for it.