Annotated Bibliographies
Complete an annotated bibliography for the following articles of a total of 15 (the rest are attached as articles):
Alibali, M. W., & Nathan, M. J., (2011): Embodiment in Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Evidence From Learners’ and Teachers’ Gestures. Journal of the Learning Sciences, DOI:10.1080/10508406.2011.61144.
Congdon, E. L., Novack, M. A., Brooks, N., Hemani-Lopez, N., Okeefe, L., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2017). Better together: Simultaneous presentation of speech and gesture in math instruction supports generalization and retention. Learning and Instruction, 50, 65-74. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2017.03.005.
Church, R. B., Ayman-Nolley, S., & Mahootian, S. (2004). The Role of Gesture in Bilingual Education: Does Gesture Enhance Learning? International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism,7(4), 303-319.
Eccles, J. L., & Jacobs, J. E. (1986.). Social Forces Shape Math Attitudes and Performance. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 2, 367-380.
Koumoutsakis, T., Church, R. B., Alibali, M. W., Singer, M., & Ayman-Nolley, S. (2016). Gesture in Instruction: Evidence from Live and Video Lessons. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior,40(4), 301-315.
Mcneil, N. M. (2008). Limitations to Teaching Children 2 2 = 4: Typical Arithmetic Problems Can Hinder Learning of Mathematical Equivalence. Child Development, 79(5), 1524-1537. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8624.2008.01203.
Perry, M., Church, R., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (1992). Is gesture-speech mismatch a general index of transitional knowledge? Cognitive Development, 7(1), 109-122. doi:10.1016/0885-2014(92)90007-e.
Robinson, N. M., Abbott, R. D., Berninger, V. W., & Busse, J. (1996). Structure of abilities in math-precocious young children: Gender similarities and differences. Journal of Educational Psychology, 88(2), 341-352. doi:10.1037//0022-0663.88.2.341.
Wagner Cook, S., & Goldin Meadow, S. (2006). The Role of Gesture in Learning: Do Children Use Their Hands to Change their Minds? Journal of cognition and development, 7(2), 211–232.