Answer each question with 200 words only, it means one small paragraph only for each.

Due Thursday Feb 3.

Answer each question with 200 words only, it means one small paragraph only for each.

Week 4: Read “hard news” article from The San Francisco Chronicle ( and write 200 WORD opinion on it.

Week 5: Does the government have the right to restrict the use of inappropriate material on the Internet or in news publications in the US? Who should have the final say in what type of content is published? EXPLAIN your opinion based on the First Amendment. 200 WORDS

Week 6: Write 5 possible interview questions for CA Senator Harris. 200 WORDS

Week 7: Read an article from San Jose Mercury News and make it into inverted pyramid. 200 WORDS

Week 8: Write an editorial paragraph about Dorothy Stang TO MAKE IT 200 WORDS


(Sister Dorothy Mae Stang, S.N.D., (7 June 1931 – 12 February 2005) was an American-born, Brazilian member of the Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.)

Week 9: Read a recent article from the San Mateo Times and comment on a smaller town’s relevance given the articles content. Why read it and not the NY Times?200 WORDS

Week 10: Read an article from San Mateo Chronicle and make it into a kabob or martini glass. 200 WORDS

Week 15: Interview an NDNU student. Ask him or her what the Argonaut is doing right and how we can be better next year.