Watch the following video and answer the questions below.
Please use these links: (parts 1-6)
Based on the video write a one page essay answering the following:
What is the cause of Appalachian Poverty?
Does culture play a role?
In your opinion, what does the future hold for the young football player, the young girl with a drug addicted mother, the coal miner?
How can we help the Appalachian people?
Essay Assignments will be graded on the following scale:
- 50 points: Excellent
- 30-49 points: Acceptable
- 10-29 points: Inadequate
- 0 points: Not turned in on time or plagiarized
Grading Criteria/Rubric: Your essay assignments must …
- Contain a thesis statement.
- Be, at least one full page in length
- Present a point of view and be supported with evidence.
- Relate the material to be written about to core concepts in sociology (such as perhaps cultural relativism, mechanical social solidarity, conflict theory, etc.).
- Display your knowledge of covered course material, drawing from any of the lessons that fit the topic of the assignment.
- Be submitted via the writing assignment submission link on Blackboard.
- Have 1 inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman Font, and be double spaced.
- Have an introductory paragraph, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion.