Argumentation paper
Write a fully fleshed out Argumentation paper on a debatable topic that interests you. Avoid logical fallacies, include plenty of logical analysis and concrete evidence (from credible sources) in your appeal, and carefully consider a primary counterargument to your stance and (respectfully) refute it. Here are some sample controversial statements you might consider arguing for or against:
- Technological advances are on pace to create a jobless society, in which guaranteed minimum incomes will become necessary(i want why should guaranteed the minimum incomes to be the argument of my paper
This paper should include properly cited quotes or paraphrases from at least three credible sources to support your thesis.
Your essay should contain a thesis statement that gives me an idea of how you will back this point up and how your support will be organized throughout. It should also fulfill the other requirements of your rubric.
1200 words (four pages double spaced 12 point font). Please include your name, a title, the date, and your class hour at the top, as well as page numbers throughout.
Should be divided into 5 paragraphs.
Topic,point 1,2,3,and conclusion.
every support point should included cited quotes(reference)