Assignment Rough Draft
Upload a rough draft of at least two pages that has you start to look at the questions and dilemmas you want to explore in a specific text. The beginning should have ideas of claims, arguments, and complexity. You want to try and impress me with thinking beyond the basics of the text.
Assignment 2 Prompt
1.Read “The One’s Who Walk Away from Omelas” (Links to an external site.) by Ursula LeGuin
2.“Bread” (Links to an external site.) by Margaret Atwood
3.Read “Our Love of True Stories Has Destroyed Our Sense of Truth” (Links to an external site.) by Rebecca Wolff
Using one of the texts from Le Guin, Atwood, or Wolff, write a conversation that you have in response to that text. The conversation can be in a genre of your choosing, but you should be moving towards an academic tone with correct MLA citations in this assignment.
You must use evidence from the text to ask questions, define issues, question dilemmas, or pose alternatives. We’ll be focusing on skills of summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting as we start to interact, interrogate, and investigate. The main focus of this conversation is that there is a clear asking and answering around the text and that a clear argument emerges even if it is implicit.