BI Project Introduction


Business Intelligence Project

This course is designed to give you an introduction to technologies used for business analytics. It provides a managerial perspective to the business analytics continuum beginning with descriptive analytics, moving on to predictive analytics, prescriptive analytics, and finally Big Data.

For this project, you will start by describing a hypothetical business in which you are a manager or owner. As we progress through the chapters of this book, you will add sections to this project describing ways the information in the text could be applied to your business. There will be specific and separate instructions for each chapter.

First, define the business, give details:

  1. Identify the business you will use throughout this course and choose a name for the business.
  2. Write a page about the business you are choosing, why this is your choice, and what products or services the business provides.
  3. Create the setting details for the business.
  4. Describe the characteristics of the business
  • How large is the business? How many employees?
  • Is it brick & mortar, online, or both?
  • What is the primary purpose of the business?
  • Is it National, Local, or Global?
  • Who does the business serve? Who are the customers?

Instructions for your submission:

  • Open a new Word document, save and rename the document to “Business Intelligence Project -YourName”.
  • You will be using this document throughout the semester.
  • Create a bolded heading titled: Business Introduction
  • Write your paragraphs following the formatting requirements below
  • Be sure your description is clear and organized.
  • Change the Footer on the Word document to: Left (Your Name), Middle (Insert the Page Number), Right (Semester, Year).
  • Submit your document prior to each due date.
  • Again, you will be using the same document. Each submission should be the entire previous submission with the new part of the project added. This is a continuing document.

Formatting Requirements (basically MLA or APA without the first page heading):

  • Times New Roman, 12 point font
  • One-inch margins
  • Double spaced, no extra space before or after paragraphs
  • Correct spelling and punctuation
  • Complete sentences, One-half inch first line paragraph indention.