1. A bibliography in proper form listing all sources that inform your paper. Sources in your bibliography must be published books, peer reviewed articles or government studies in hard copy form. Websites (e.g. Wikipedia) cannot be cited. You must identify your paper topic at the top of the page. It should cite no fewer than six substantial sources.
2.You will write a research paper on a public policy question list below. The paper is designed to teach you scholarly research methodology, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills. It should meet the following requirements:
1. It should be five pages long, not including the bibliography, which should be resubmitted with the paper.
2. All factual assertions must be properly footnoted.
3.It must be written with correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
4.It should be carefully proofread.
5.The structure of the paper should be as follows:
1.Introduction of the policy question you have chosen and brief description of its current public policy significance
2.Description of the arguments on either side of your public policy question
3.Conclusion stating which arguments prevail and why
6. Do not write in the first person. The word “I” has no place in your essay
7.Avoid the phrase “many people believe.” Instead identify the supporters and opponents of the arguments you discuss.
8.Topics for Papers:
1.Should judges be judicial activists?
2.To what extent does elite theory explain congressional actions?
3. What are the most important factors in presidential elections?
4. Does gerrymandering violate the Constitution?
5. Does affirmative action violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution?
6. Does the Constitution give Congress the power to oversee drone strikes?
7. Does NSA surveillance of citizens’ electronic communications violate the 4th Amendment of the Constitution?