Book-Little Red Book Of Selling
This is the notes from the book….If you can just write one paragraph about this book.
op reasons customers buy: [These 5 are from the top 12]
1.I like my sales rep.
5. I believe my sales rep.
6. I have confidence in my sales rep.
7. I trust my sales rep.
8. I am comfortable with my sales rep. (7)
“Passion is the fulcrum point of selling. No passion, no sales.” “If you don’t love what you sell, go sell something else.” (18) “…you have to put your heart into your work, and you have to love what you do.” “…it’s the difference between going up the ladder and going down the ladder.” (19)
“Give first. Become known as a resource, not a salesperson. Your value is lined to your knowledge and your willingness to help others.” (21)
Principle 1: Kick your own behind. Get out there. (32)
List of cures for a slump – p. 40 ff.
“Attitude drives actions. Actions drive results. Results drive lifestyles.” (43, quoting Jim Rohn) Develop a ‘YES!’ attitude. “…if you think of yourself as a ‘yes’ person, not only will you be in a positive frame of mind but you will also have positive expectations.” (44)
Before you meet with a prospect, do your homework. Be prepared. Decide on an objective for the meeting. Most salesmen make the mistake of getting all their own stuff ready but not studying the prospect. (46-51)
“Whiners are avoided.” (52)
Principle 3: Personal Branding is sales: It’s not who you know, it’s who knows you.” (54)
Personal Branding is not complicated, unless you take a course in it. Then it’s scary as h….” “I have a brand. Or should I say: I AM the brand. I have taken my name, ‘Gitomer’ and ‘Jeffrey Gitomer’ and turned it into my brand.” (55) [Following pages give suggestions.] “In sales, prospects buy the salesperson FIRST.” (55)
A few of his many suggestions: (57-60)
·“Establish yourself as an expert.”
·“Be a consistent positive performer.”
·“Be willing to give of yourself—first.”
·“Become a resource.”
·“Ignore idiots and zealots.” [I don’t know who this includes but it sounds like a good idea. dlm]
·Become known as a person of action, someone who gets things done.
Principle 4: “It’s all about value, it’s all about relationship….” (64) “Value is something done for the customer, in favor of the customer.” (65)
Principles for giving value: (66-7)
1.They will NEVER read your brochure. But send them information about how they profit and they will read it.
2.Write (good) stuff in journals, newspapers, e-zines, and newsletters.
3.Create response vehicles or mechanisms in everything you write – a way to get more.
6.Send your stuff after they ask for it, and make sure it has something they will keep.
“The sale is emotionally driven and emotionally decided. Then it is justified logically. (74)
“I put myself in front of people who can say yes to me, and I deliver value first.” (78)
“Make friends before you start.” “Act professionally, talk friendly.” Sales are for the moment. Friends are for life. (80-81)
Principle 5: It’s Not Work, It’s Network.” (82) “To make the most of a networking event, spend 75% of your time with people you don’t know.” (93)
Best networking book: Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty by Harvey Mackay (91)
“If you want to know the effectiveness of your current brochure, grab a red Sharpie and circle ALL the areas that your customer or prospect would consider valuable or save-able.” (100)
“Ask compelling and engaging questions.” (101)
“THEY DO NOT WANT TO TAKE THEIR TIME TO HEAR ABOUT YOU. If they give you time, it better be about them.” (102)
“If you’re not present when the last decision is made – odds are you will lose…” (103) “Arrange a meeting with all deciders.” (105) “The problem with most salespeople is that they are sitting in front of someone who has to ask their mommy or daddy [or missions committee or pastor] if they can buy it or not.” (107)
Can’t get voice mail returned? See p. 109
Principle 7. “Engage me and you can make me convince myself.” Ask compelling, thought-provoking questions.” (110) Failing to ask good questions is a major weakness of every salesperson. “The first personal (rapport) question sets the tone for the meeting, and the first business question sets the tone for the sale. That’s critical.” (111) List of 25 powerful questions: p.112 ff. “Develop a list of 15 to 25 questions that uncover needs, problems, pains, concerns, and objections.” (117) Good questions make the person think. (119)
Principle 8. “If you can make them laugh, you can make them buy!” “Humor is the highest form of language mastery.” (124) Keep it clean. “Poke fun at yourself. It’s OK if the finger points at you.” (127) Laughter is a universal bond.
Principle 9. “Use creativity to differentiate and dominate.” (136) OK, you’re not creative, but you can learn.
Principle 10. “Reduce their risk, and you’ll convert selling to buying.” (152) “A risk of purchase is some mental or physical barrier, real or imagined that causes a person to hesitate or rethink ownership. As a salesperson your job is to identify the risk and eliminate it.” (153)
Principle 11. “When you say it about yourself, it’s bragging. When someone else says it about you, it’s proof.” “Who will testify on your behalf?” (164) “To be most effective, testimonials need to have a specific message.” (166) Testimonials work. But they lose their power if not used in an appropriate manner. (168) “Take your best customer with you on your next sales call. (169) “What are your customers saying about you?” (175)
“The First things prospects buy is the salesperson. The first sale made is you.” “It all begins with you.” (199) Rate yourself on your image, speaking ability, ability to establish rapport, attitude, product knowledge, desire to help, preparedness, humor, creativity, sincerity, reputation, and character. “How well are you ‘put together’?” (201)