brazelton’s attachment theory, writing homework help
Attachment is the emotional bond between child and caregiver. To fully grasp the significance of this bond. It is important to understand the difference types of attachment, how they develop, and the impact of this bond on young children’s development.
While writing your research paper think about the following questions:
What are the levels of attachment organization?
How does attachment work and what are its evolutionary functions?
What is the difference between attachment behaviors, the attachment system, and the attachment bond?
What are key attachment concepts and what evidence is there that monkeys evidence these concepts (review Harlow)
What is the difference between being attached and being securely attached?
What is an attachment disorder and what is evidence of an attachment disorder?
Is child-caregiver attachment the whole relationship or is one (organizing) system in the relationship?
Attachment through the life cycle: What predicts security and what security predicts ?
How is security of attachment assessed in the Strange Situation? Describe secure attachment and avoidant, anxious, and disorganized attachment?
You will complete a three-page research paper, using APA format.