​Choose 2 of the 3 topics listed below to write a response to. Responses must include:

Choose 2 of the 3 topics listed below to write a response to. Responses must include:

  • Posted a complete and coherent response to the initial discussion topic. Fully addresses the discussion topic or question. Post was at least 200 words. The response adds value to the discussion, and demonstrates understanding of concepts.
  • Includes at least one trustworthy and scholarly resource in the response and uses correct APA formatting for the citation and reference.

Vulnerability Analysis

From the list below, pick the four most significant attacks you would consider in the network security design process. Provide at least four high-level security policies and describe mitigation technologies.

Medium Network Campus Top 10 Attacks


Identity spoofing

Virus/worm/Trojan horse

Rogue devices


Man-in-the-middle (MITM)

War dialing/driving

Direct access

ARP redirection/spoofing

Remote control software

Buffer overflow

Wireless Security Breach

Research a publicly known security breach that has made news headlines, which involved the attacker(s) exploiting a wireless network.

Write two or three paragraphs describing the specific incident.

Wireless Hacking

n the four (4) labeled files, there are two capture files, a wordlist. and step-by-step directions on how to obtain the WEP and WPA keys. In order to do the exercise, you will need a virtual machine running Kali Linux. Take one of the picture files you get out of any of the 2 capture files and upload it to the discussion. Do not upload a picture that has already been uploaded, as there are many different pictures to choose from. Talk about how you got the file, the exercise, and why wireless security is critical. Note: The plain text traffic file is not included.