Clinical Governance Practice Investigation

All details of work are attached in the word document . This is a REPORT based on the assignment list provided as attachment. This report based on assignment gudieline, rubrics, learning outcome and assignment structure. Australian healthcare based.
In this assignment
you will produce a 3000-word report which describes and critically analyses a
clinical governance patient safety issue, that needs addressing in your own
healthcare setting (or in another healthcare setting or hypothetically). You
should relate specific details, where relevant, to clinical accountability. You
will also develop a detailed remedial action plan and recommendations based
upon your findings.

This assessment task is aligned to the following learning outcomes:

  • Describe and critically analyse adverse events/ clinical incidents and the individual/ systems/ organisational factors which influence them
  • Identify the organisational, regulatory and legal reporting mechanisms for adverse events/ clinical incidents
  • Analyse and apply relevant state, organisational, or site-specific policies and professional standards related to healthcare accountability and patient safety
  • Critically appraise adverse event/ clinical incident investigation process
  • Identify the legal, ethical, and professional issues relating to adverse events/ clinical incidents in healthcare
  • Understand the principles of clinical governance and align these to clinical accountability in healthcare practice, and reduced likelihood of adverse events/ clinical incidents
  • Identify and examine the barriers to effective implementation of clinical governance processes
  • Articulate the health leader role in applying the principles of quality improvement and evaluation for organisations to achieve high levels of quality and safety