Comic book

requirement book( must used in essay): The Killing Joke by Alan Moore

Directions: open a search engine and search the word “insanity, definition.”

Copy/Paste a definition you find. (Don’t forget to at least paste the link after the definition).

Now, tell us if Joker’s behavior in The Killing Joke qualifies as insane according to your definition.

Then, tell us if Batman’s behavior in The Killing Joke qualifies as insane according to your definition.

Give examples from the text.

Be careful: Many are predisposed to making their argument by referring to general traits of Batman and Joker that they have noticed in films and cartoons. You must refer to specific incidents (and quotes are even better!) from the text.

Even more troublesome is when students refer to specific incidents in the films, or to the wrong commissioner. Remember: Bane, The Riddler, and all the other villains from the Batman films are NOT in The Killing Joke.

Protip: acquiring and reading the book assigned for class will help.