Community Project
For this class, you will undertake a Community Project under an already existing,
legitimate, credible, and official non-for-profit organization inside or outside of FIU. You
will provide help to your community and produce tangible and quantifiable results for at
least half or a full day. For example, you may help build the roof of a family home on a
Saturday through the non-for-profit organization, Habitat For Humanity. You may
organize the stockroom of a non-for-profit organization (which distributes hygiene
products to persons in need) using 20 storage containers and bins on a Monday. You may
help distribute 80 meals to the homeless on a Friday night through a non-for-profit
organization. You may help organize and distribute 60 meals given out at a
Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. dinner event to the homeless on a Thursday night through a
non-for-profit organization. Please feel free to work with any non-for-profit organization
that truly speaks to your heart.