Complete Capstone MSA Discussion, sociology homework help
MY RESEARCH TOPIC IS: Evaluating the effectiveness of the Feed the Future (FTF) Initiative and other global food security programs.
Discuss what you have learned about good versus poor research topics. What does it mean that the topic be administrative in nature? Why is it important that the topic be specific rather than broad and general?
• Is this a good research topic: characteristics of effective leaders? Why or why not?
• How about this one: Why do so many of the employees at XYZ Company arrive late and what can XYZ do to improve punctuality? Explain your thoughts.
• Review the Research Proposal Template (attached below). After reviewing the Template discuss how you think it helps you and the other students in terms of progressing through the research process. What would be the disadvantage of having to write a research proposal without using or having the template?
• After discussing the preceding issues, post one-to-three ideas for your individual research topic that you will work on this semester:
o Provide enough detail to educate the instructor on your administrative research topic. Be sure that the topic is not too broad based on what you learned in the lecture. Focus on a real problem that needs to be analyzed and fixed or an opportunity that is sufficiently focused that you can analyze it by reviewing literature and collecting data.
o Provide both a primary issue/question and sub-questions similar to how we did the Common Research Activity in Week 1
o Identify the specific audience that will benefit from this research such as your employer’s senior leadership. That audience must be specific and in a position to take action.
o Explain how your proposed topic(s) relates to your MSA Concentration.• Comment on posts by at least two other students.