Complete Discussion and Assignment for Psych Course
Part 1: Chose a topic to write your final paper. Your topic must be relevant to psychology. This class addresses psychological research. If you are in a group, use your group topic (but you must inform me that you are working with another class member).
Part 2: Formulate a hypothesis (the hypothesis does not have to relate to the topic chosen above). Write your hypothesis as an “if then” statement using the independent variable (IV) and the dependent variable (DV). For example “if IV, then DV. Here is an example, “if people listen to classical music while studying, then they will recall more material”. Also include the operational definition of the DV (s your DV is properly operationally defined in terms of numbers?) What is the operational definition of the IV (what will your experimental and control groups do during the research study?)
The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with information on your topic. Please note that you are not allowed to work on this project with classmates even if you are in a group and have the same research topic. You will begin your literature search. Find 3 articles (either empirical or theoretical) from professional journals that relate to the topic you have chosen. Use Galileo and search the psychological data bases for articles. Afterwards, make a reference list in APA format for the 3 articles. You must also use general APA formatting (i.e., double-spacing, 1-inch margins, and 12 point, New Roman font). You must attach all 3 articles to the assignment or provide the link so that I may review the article.