Complete Social Work Dialogue Script, assignment help
Please use this client’s situation (Dora) VINGRETTE – DORA.pdf and this BNI Brief-negotiated-interview-and-active-referral-to-treatment.pdf to create a script or dialogue between the social worker and DORA. Please DO NOT submit a paper to me, this should be a in script form (exmaple below):
Social Worker: How are you doing today Dora?
Client: I guess I’m doing okay.
Social Worker: Okay, well Dora today I’d like to ask you a few questions that may help us figure out the next steps that need to be taken in getting you better.
Client: Okay, how do we get started?
(This is the way the assignment needs to be done using Dora’s situation and the questions outlined in the BNI attachment)
Your goal is to help the client become motivated to change his/her behavior and to help him/her see what the next steps in the process might be. You will go through the steps of sharing the client’s screening score, reviewing the low-risk guidelines as appropriate, using the Readiness Scale, and negotiating a goal for the client to work toward. You might want to go back and watch the SBIRT narrated PowerPoints for this week again to remind yourself of the steps to take in the BNI process. Also there are some MI YouTube videos you can use as examples in your resources.