create soap note for a patient with STD
Please uploaded templete to create a patient with migraine headache. Please use chief complaint that relates to one or two STD specificly like Gonorrhea or Chlamydia. Make sure that the ROS relates to the finding of what the patient would report for symptoms of a STD. The Physical exam should also relates to finding for the patient with STD. You must include three differentials diagnose, with the correct ICD 10 code and the reason why you pick those based on the patient’s reports, and / findings from the phyical exam. Then used at least two- three evidence based guidelines to formulate a treatment plan, along with patient education. You must also include what labs, or imaging if any is needed. The phyical exam does not have to include all body systems, only one that is pertinent to what relates to finding the diagnose of STD.
Please remember that the uploaded is only an example and can be used as a templete to make the changes needed to fit the disease. And use APA format for references.