Current Event in Supply Chain Management as found in emailed version of The Wall Street Journal Logistics Report

Supply chain issues are constantly in the news. In writing about current events, you can use and demonstrate your knowledge about and understanding of supply chain management issues.


Find an article and write a synopsis of the article on a current topic using the emailed version of The Wall Street Journal Logistics Report. With this source you will need to click on the hyperlink within the article to view the original article for actual writer, title, and date.

To successfully complete this requirement, the student will include the following elements:

  1. Include the article as included in the emailed version of The WSJ Logistics Report. The emailed version of The WSJ Logistics Report is the only acceptable source.
  2. Write a brief synopsis of the corresponding The WSJ full article accessible through the hyperlink.
  3. Explain how this event is supply chain related. Use specific supply chain terms. Also, support with outside sources for full points.
  4. Give your thoughts about how it could be handled, resolved, possible implications, and/or possible solutions. Also, support with outside sources for full points.
  5. List additional references properly cited within the paper.

Write in paragraph form using proper grammar. Use the free Grammarly software as you write the current event. Grammarly will be used in grading the assignment.

When you use an outside source, it is to be cited and referenced using APA (Sixth edition) format.

The completed assignment is to be submitted as outlined below and will be graded on how well these have been included:

Item will be graded only if it meets all of the following five requirements.

  1. The actual paragraph regarding the article as found in the WSJ Logistics Report is included within the document.
  2. Item is an event. For example, a general opinion piece is not acceptable.
  3. Item is less than 28 days old at the time the assignment is due. Current event is due December 7, 2018. Source WSJ Logistics Report must be dated November 26, 2018 or after.
  4. Item is properly cited within the article and referenced at the end. It is to include authors, month/day/year published, title, source publication. If from Internet, include the source address. All elements must be included.
  5. Assignment is submitted on Canvas before the deadline.

If any of these five qualifications are not met, the work will not be graded.


Item Points – 25 max
The SOURCE, the email WSJ Logistics Report article information, is included 2
The ARTICLE, the WSJ article referenced in the Report, is included 2
Brief synopsis of article defining the issue and key players 5
Explains how this current event is supply chain related 6
Student’s thoughts on how the issue could be handled, resolved, possible implications, and/or possible solutions. 6
Use and citing of outside sources 4

Other factors that stand out or detract (can add or subtract points). This includes but is not limited to flow, rational thought process, company examples, and proper grammar.

Length of this assignment will vary depending on the article you choose and the details of your comments. The following two documents are provided to help give the student a more clear understanding of how to successfully complete this assignment.

MKT 4465.Current Event in Supply Chain Management.Sample.2018.pdf

This sample current event presents the elements and format required to successfully complete this assignment.

Current Event explained.2018.pdf

This document explains further explains and clarifies each element of the current event.


MKT 4465 Current Events.V3 (1)

MKT 4465 Current Events.V3 (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe SOURCE information is included.

2.0 pts

Yes, it is included.

0.0 pts

No, it is not included.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe information is included on the ARTICLE from which the paragraph in the emailed version of the WSJ Logistics Report is based.

2.0 pts

Yes, it is included.

0.0 pts

No, it is not included.

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBrief synopsis of the full WSJ article.

5.0 pts

Well done. Well thought out and well presented.

2.0 pts

A brief synopsis is included, but does not reflect knowledge of the WSJ article.

0.0 pts

Not included.

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplanation of how this current event is supply chain related.

6.0 pts

Well done. Well thought out and well presented.

3.0 pts

A brief explanation is included, but does not reflect knowledge of this relationship.

0.0 pts

Not included.

6.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThoughts of the student on this article.

6.0 pts

Well thought out and presented well.

4.0 pts

Interesting issues raised, but did not explain fully.

2.0 pts

Brief comments, but do not reflect knowledge of the topic.

0.0 pts

Not included.

6.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse and citing of outside sources.

4.0 pts

Two or more sources included and cited.

2.0 pts

One source is included and cited.

0.0 pts

No outside sources included.

4.0 pts

Total Points: 25.0