Data Collection and Analysis- 2 of 5



This assessment is in two parts. Completed both parts after you have implemented your action research plan and have collected data.

Part 1: Description of Baseline Data

In this section, provide a description of baseline data and information that you gathered and reviewed to inform the development of the study.

  • Describe the population and sample from whom the data were collected, and provide a rationale for targeting the population and selecting the sample.
  • Describe what instruments were used to collect data and how they were shown to be valid and reliable.
  • Provide information or baseline data that you gathered through interviewing or surveying individuals, archival data collected on students or others (for example, tests or grades), observations you made related to the problem, and so on.
  • Describe how data were physically collected using a step-by-step approach (a blueprint of what you did).
  • Include rationale for what technology was integrated to enhance the research; this could have been via the application and/or the assessment and potential outcomes.

Part 2: Data Analysis

In this section, describe how data were analyzed and processed to generate findings in order to inform decision making and practice.

  • How were data analyzed and interpreted? Did you stay true to the original design plan?
  • How can findings be interpreted? Would a different action have had better results? What was unexpected?
  • What can you conclude from the information/data analysis? Are your conclusions based solely on the evidence?


Resources: Data Collection

Resources: Data Analysis

    • Mertler, C. A. (2018). Action research: Improving schools and empowering educators (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Available in the bookstore.
      • Read Chapter 6, “Analyzing Data,” pages 170–216.
    • Leedy, P. D., & Ormrod, J. E. (2019). Practical research: Planning and design (12th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Available in the bookstore.
      • Read the chapter about data analysis that best matches your data approach (qualitative or quantitative): Chapter 11, “Analyzing Quantitative Data,” pages 303–343, or Chapter 12, “Analyzing Qualitative and Mixed-Methods Data,” pages 344–371. If doing mixed methods, you will need to read both chapters.
    • University of Leicester, Student Learning Development. Presenting numerical data. Retrieved from
    • Teaching and Learning Research Guide.