Develop Your Own Argument Overview

play the role of a research intern in training, working for a non-profit international think tank that resolves ethical dilemmas for members of corporations around the world. These members are clients of the think tank. Your training entails engaging in research activities and reporting your findings to a lead.

You will be led by senior advising ethicist (instructor), who in turn advises your respective clients of the think tank how to resolve an important ethical dilemma—which is the major course project. You will work on resolving ethical dilemmas in your own field of study in each milestone and submit the compilation of these resolutions as your final project in the last milestone. The senior ethicist will advise you on how to revise your submissions, and will provide final recommendations regarding how to resolve the dilemma for the clients. The senior ethicist reports to the CEO of the think tank, discussing with him or her how well you are doing and what still needs to be done regarding the your training progress.

In Milestone 4 Task 1, develop your own argument as a research intern, which should include the following:

  • An introduction, which includes a thesis statement, a description of what the essay is about, and a description of how you will go about supporting your own position using ethical theory
    (You must have a strong thesis in order to effectively use these theories so as to express your own personal ethical view. A thesis statement is simply a claim that you will attempt to support throughout the rest of your essay. For instance, a thesis statement might be: “I will argue that many of the objections that have been raised about applying Kantian ethics to the problem of music piracy can be overcome. In this case, Kantian ethics aligns more closely with the cost-benefit analysis than many people realize.” The rest of your essay will be spent defending this claim with reasons, research, and examples.)
  • A conclusion that summarizes your argument and considers the wider issues at stake
  • A reference list of your sources in MLA format

Demonstrate your ability to use ethical reasoning and ethical theory to support a thesis in the final project. Also, demonstrate an understanding of some of the key concepts covered in the assigned reading material and the ability to use scholarly research to support your claims.

Submission Specifications

  • Argument in a Microsoft Word document named LastnameFirstinitial_M4T1_DevelopYourArgument_PHI1010.doc that includes:
    • 750-word (minimum) essay (not including title and reference notes) containing:
      • An introduction, which includes a thesis sentence, a summary of the project, and reasons to support your position
      • A conclusion that summarizes your argument
      • A reference list of your sources in MLA format
      • Choose one of the theories covered in this milestone’s reading material chapter and be specific. You might choose Divine Command theory, Kantian ethics, Ethical Egoism, Utilitarian ethics, Virtue ethics, or another theory.
      • While developing your argument, note the following:
        • Clearly state your thesis. What are you arguing for in this essay?
        • Think of all the reasons and research you will use and how you will place them together to produce a strong argument (reasons to support your claim).
        • Present your argument. Remember to explain which ethical theory supports your position and why.
        • Explain one strong objection that is to your argument.
        • Explain how this strong objection can be overcome.

        Environmental Ethics—Challenges

        1You will explore various questions such as whether the environment is worthy of moral consideration simply because humans need it to survive. Or is our environment worthy of moral consideration because it is intrinsically valuable?

        Environmental Ethics—Responses

        2You will explore what speciesism, anthropocentrism, and sentience are.

        A Brief History of Environmental Ethics

        3You will examine the history of environmental thought.

        Environmental Ethics—Anthropocentrism

        4You will explore the following approach to environmental ethics: Some people make the argument that we ought to take a human-based approach when considering approaches to environmental ethics. Using this approach, only human beings are worthy of moral consideration.

        Environmental Ethics—Nonanthropocentrism

        5You will explore some of the following approaches to environmental ethics: Some people argue both human and nonhuman animals are worthy of moral consideration.

        Environmental Ethics—What Next?

        6You will consider various ethical theories and how they are applied to environmental issues.