Diagnosis/Definition of Abnormality
“Molly felt like there were bugs crawling below her skin. She tried to get others to take her medical symptoms seriously, but no one would. Her MD said there was no medical reason for her symptoms. She would scratch at the “bugs.” She tried to collect little black threads that she said came from under her skin and take them to a governmental lab to have them evaluated. She even tried to cure her skin condition by spraying her broken skin with Raid and other bug sprays. Then she had a toxic reaction to the bug spray. So her psychiatrist admitted her in a mental hospital because she was delusional. Her husband even had her committed several times, petitioned the courts to take away her children, divorced her, and managed to take virtually all the community property away from this mentally disordered woman.”
What do you think about this woman’s condition and disorder? Who should define abnormality? What motivations, if any, might encourage various groups to seek to influence this definition?
Please take the time to review the following article:
Pearson, M., Selby, J., Katz, K., Cantrell, V., Braden, C., Parise, M., Paddock, C., Lewin-Smith, M., Kalasinsky, V., Goldstein, F., Hightower, A., Papier, A., Lewis, B., Motipara, S. & Eberhard, M., (2012). Clinical, Epidemiologic, Histopathologic and Molecular Features of an Unexplained Dermopathy. Retrieved from Plos One:http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0029908
Now, what do you think about Molly, the client? What issues in diagnosis does this raise? What other psychological diagnoses does this information bring into question for you?