Discussion Board 6 BMAL 501

***Topic: Integration of Dees chapters 3–5 and the student’s research. Discuss the 3 most important concepts you have learned.

Please use integrity, courage, and wisdom for the 3 topics.

Part 1

Individually, you will write a minimum 400-word thread discussing the following

(use the following as headings in each thread):

  • Introduction to the topic.
    • A short overview of the topic
  • Three Concepts
    • The 3 most important concepts you have learned from the textbook readings, website and article readings.
    • In the discussion, include why these are the most important for an organization to consider.
  • References – 4 total
  • 2 peer-reviewed references from the Liberty University Online Library into your thread. These references must have been published in the previous 4 years.
  • 1 reference from the text.
  • 1 reference from the assigned article(s) or from the website readings.

Use proper grammar and current APA formatting.

***Please cite the course textbook throughout the paper and list it in the reference section.***

Course textbook: Dees, R. F. (2013). Resilient leaders. Williamsburg, VA: RFD, LLC. ISBN: 9780985597993.