Discussion: Building Theory
There are 4 parts to this discussion, each requires a minimum of 2 paragraphs (see the reading below)
Part 1: Define Theory within the Scholar-Practitioner Model
In your own words, compose an answer to the following question:
- Theory is the core of PhD dissertation research. Define your understanding of the term theory as it relates to research. Remember to use proper APA format for any citations and references you use to support your explanation in this, and every discussion in the courses
ParT 2: Inductive and Deductive Processes for Theory Building
- This discussion should be completed after studying the readings in this unit. In your own words, compose an answer to the following question:
- The articles by Hall, Griffiths, and McKenna and by Lynham both describe the inductive and deductive processes to theory building. Using the information from the two articles, compare and contrast the two processes in theory building.
Part 3: Role of Theory in the Quantitative Research Process.
This discussion should be completed after studying the readings in this unit. Compose an answer to the following question:
- Lynham presents a five phase model for theory building. Identify the phase that you would expect most quantitative dissertation research would occur within the scholar-practitioner model and explain how the phase you identified is a better fit for the scholar-practitioner model.
Part 4: Research Paradigm Influence on Grounded Theory Method
This discussion should be completed after studying the readings in this unit. Compose and post an answer to the following question:
- Unlike quantitative research, theory does not have a distinct role across the various qualitative methods. Hall, Griffiths, & McKenna address the role of how different paradigms can influence the application of a grounded theory method. While more frequently associated with a grounded theory method, different paradigms can influence the application of other qualitative methods. Yet in other qualitative methods, a paradigm or preconception is avoided. In your words, summarize how a researcher’s paradigm can influence the use of a grounded theory methods
Complete the following:
- Read Lynham’s 2002 article, “The General Method of Theory-Building Research in Applied Disciplines,” from Advances in Developing Human Resources, volume 4, issue 3, pages 221–241.
- Read Hall, Griffiths, and Mckenna’s 2013 article, “From Darwin to Constructivism: The Evolution of Grounded Theory,” from Nurse Researcher, volume 20, issue 3, pages 17–21