DQ1 response to Caroline Rivera
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The effects of a disaster are numerous; from short term to long term. In the wake of a disaster it is inevitable that culture and spirituality play a role in outcomes. Religion and spirituality may moderate the impact of disaster on individuals’ well-being” (Aten, O’Grady, Boan, & Schruba, 2014, para. 5). The earthquake in Haiti was devastating, “an estimated 230,000 people were killed. Another 300,000 were injured. More than 600,000 people left Port-au-Prince to stay with families outside the capital. The quake displaced 1.5 million people” (Amadeo, 2019, para.1). Because the country itself was already struggling the opportunity for rebuilding seemed daunting, “even before the quake, Haiti was the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere” (Amadeo, 2019, para. 6). There are various spiritual perceptions of these particular happenings, some report feeling a stronger connection to God, while others may question their faith even more. Roman Catholicism is the main religion in Haiti; a strong connection with God has proven to aid in disaster relief. “A study of Haitian earthquake survivors found that those who relied upon their spirituality for meaning making and coping evidenced greater resilience during and after the trauma than those who did not do so. Participants also attributed their description of posttraumatic growth to positive framing: the sense that there is a larger purpose or even order amid disaster. Some saw the disaster as a potentially growth-stimulating experience for Haiti (e.g., a chance to rebuild a better country” (Aten, O’Grady, Boan, & Schruba, 2014, para. 6). A community health nurse is well equipped to handle most situations, even those as sensitive as religion and spirituality. Because nurses are culturally competent and receptive of community and individual needs their is a great reliance on their service. Nurses have the insight to react and implement based on their surroundings, not many people are able to do this with such fluidity. The nurse can truly treat people; mind, body, and soul.
Amadeo, K. (2019). Haiti Earthquake Facts, Its Damage, and Effects on the Economy.
The 2010 Earthquake Caused Lasting Damage. https://www.thebalance.com/haiti-earthquake-facts-damage-effects-on-economy-3305660
Aten, J. D., O’Grady, K. A., Milstein, G., Boan, D., & Schruba, A. (2014). Spiritually oriented disaster psychology.Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 1(1), 20–28. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1037/scp0000…