ece332 week 4 discussion 1 RESPONSE s.m., psychology homework help

Respond by providing additional ways that teachers or caregivers can minimize stereotypical differences in the classroom. Compare your classmates’ analyses of the videos to your own, and point out any differences or similarities that you find. Mine is attached.

William wants a doll- To me, this video relates to the social cognitive theory. In module 6.2 of Children’s Journey, Exploring Early Childhood, it states that “parents, siblings, playmates, and powerful symbolic models (such as television or book characters) suggest sex-appropriate behaviors for children.” In the video, William kept asking for a doll, the one thing that would make him happy. Instead, his dad was set on having him play with what he felt was boy toys-footballs, baseball, soccer, marbles, and badminton. He was so happy when William excelled in those sports, but while William was speaking to his grandmother, revealed that he only did well in those things to be able to get the doll he wanted. Eventually, his grandmother bought his doll, and all was well. William not only had his father suggest toys he thought was appropriate, he was also being teased by his classmates. Both of those influences could have easily changed Williams mind, but he held true to what he believed. In an article written by Alan Greene, MD, FAAP, it states that according to a study, “228. Percent of boys and 38.6 percent of girls enjoyed 10 or more gender-typical behaviors (Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, Saunders 2000).” The article further discusses what to do when this occurs- usually let it pass and don’t bring too much attention to it. They say that by kindergarten, it usually passes as their interest changes.

Ladies First- To me, this video relates to the Kohlberg and Gender Scheme Theory. In this video, the little girl always dressed nice and kept up her appearance- that little girls should dress and act a certain way. She would always suggest that “ladies go first” to get her way of going first. In module 6.2 of , Children’s Journey, Exploring Early Childhood, it discusses about the gender scripts and the characteristics associated with being boy or girl. It goes on to say, “ once children become aware of their gender identity and it’s meaning, they actively participate in organizing their behaviors as well as their environments to conform sex-appropriate patterns.” I also think the girl in this video could have been influenced by either her mother/father or both due to the fact that I believe she got the notion of “ladies first” from someone.

I don’t think my gender identity was influenced by gender stereotypes. My parents raised us to be and do anything we wanted. There were times I wanted to be a football player. My parents allowed me to go outside and play 2 hand touch or whatever with my brother, cousins, friends and dad. They encouraged me to be good at it if that’s what I wanted to do. I was also into climbing trees, playing in the dirt, walking in the creek-basically anything you would associate with a boy. Those things, to me, were fun. Eventually, I did grow out of it, but my parents allowed for that to happen, not get pushed out of it. A few strategies I will incorporate in my learning environment is to encourage the children to play with what they feel. During play time, I can talk to the children to understand why they chose that specific object and develop a way to excite that child with other or similar toys-building on the ideas they have. Another strategy I will use is having times where I would set the game and have the boys and girls play together. One day the game could be considered, “girly”, the next could be considered “boyish”. I think this is a good way to have the children understand it is ok to play something you like in spite of what others feel.

Greene, Alan. (2017, February 17). Gender Identity Issues. Retrieved from

Lefrançois, G. R. (2012). Children’s journeys: Exploring early childhood. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.