Editorial Analysis

from what i am reading her, i guess you can find any editorial you think is suited , these are the instructions i received. For this lesson’s activity, you will be asked to:

  • Find an editorial to discuss. (See the lesson for more information on how to do this.) In order to do this, you will need to find an editorial. You can locate them through a Web search or in a newspaper to which you subscribe.
  • As you read, take notes that identify the following:
    • Assumptions
    • Tone
    • Purpose
    • Problematic ambiguity and vagueness
    • Facts
    • Opinions
    • Reasons and claims (noting where they don’t quite add up)
    • Your reaction to the quality of the information source and the sources cited (if any)
  • Select three paragraphs from the text to annotate. Then copy
    the paragraphs and paste them on the assignment submission screen. Add
    your comments in [brackets] to distinguish your ideas from the original
    source. Your annotations should focus on the list of qualities mentioned
    above (assumptions, opinions, etc.).
  • After you annotate your paragraphs, write an additional two paragraphs of reflection.
    • Share your own reaction to the text and identify any biases
      or personal experiences that might have impacted your reading of the
    • Focus on your conclusions as a reader. When all was said and
      done, did you agree or disagree with the article? Why or why not? What
      did you see as strong elements? How might this piece be improved?


Max. Points available

Content: In shaping his/her response, the

student annotates three paragraphs and identifies sentences that may

contain assumptions, facts, opinions, or problematic ambiguity as well

as sentences that help identify the tone or purpose and any reasons or

claims that do not add up. The student applies vocabulary from the

lesson correctly by using specific examples to shape his/her discussion.

All parts of the questions were clearly addressed.


Analysis: The student shares his/her
personal reaction to the text and is able to accurately identify the
author’s primary purpose and any bias in the text.


Grammar/Mechanics: The assignment has been proofread and spellchecked prior to submission. There are no errors that impede comprehension.


Total Points Possible